Friday, September 13, 2024

The Crisis Is Coming From Inside The House!

Attractive, white American women are not fellow subjects or citizens so much as sexual prizes that must be protected from the threat of violence by foreign men. Men like Musk might offer, seriously or not, to give them a child. Rubin might act as if he’s protecting them from sexual savages. The common thread is that the role of women in all of this is to be beautiful, to produce children, and to remain unsullied by foreigners. There’s nothing pro-family about any of that.
You can't slip a piece of paper between Trump and Loomer, by that description. And yet the Times can never bring itself to describe Trump that way.

Days Of Future Passed

The dishonorable Alberto Gonzalez, along with Dick Cheney and silent Shrub, are the reason we have the GOP we have today.

"Enhanced interrogation techniques" and "extraordinary rendition" and "Abu Ghraib" and Gitmo as a detention center (still!  24 years later! without charges, or even trials!) are all the legacy of those three men.  Their endorsement of Harris because Trump scares the constitutional shit out of them is still hollow to me.  They laid the groundwork for this, as surely as they undermined the rule of law themselves and profaned the Constitution.  

I'll even say I'm a bit less impressed with Judge Luttig's opinion of what his God wants from him when it comes to politics and who is POTUS.  Give Caesar what is Caesar's, and God what is God's.  The legacy of the Bush Administration is not God's; but it is the progenitor of Donald Trump and MAGA.

Meanwhile, In The Heartland

It's not helping the Haitians in Springfield (who could use more friends among the locals right now), but it's a good sign.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

I'm A Native Texan...

I don't know Mark Cuban, but I've been a yellow dog Democrat since LBJ in '64 (even though I wasn't old enough to vote in a Presidential election until Carter's first run). I don't expect Texas to "turn blue" this November, or anytime soon; but I live in hope. I will note that even FoxNews doesn't think Texas is deep red: It only shows up here as "Likely GOP," which may yet be a rude shock to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Probably won't be, but, as I say, we live in hope. I'm a native Texan. Living in hope is often all we have (floods; fires; hurricanes; tornadoes; drought; oil booms, oil busts; the first massive housing bubble that destroyed the savings and loan industry and the FSLIC; Ken Paxton; Greg Abbott). Ya gotta hope, or ya just give up.

Feature, Not Bug

So let's go after immigrants! The Road to the White House is paved with the blood of immigrants. And yet even Jose Diaz-Balart and Andrea Mitchell struggle against call this appeal to hate black immigrants "racism." I mean, when MTG says you're a racist: It's pretty much time to go with it.  (and yeah, it's the real MAGA.  Just ask Loomer; or Stephen Miller)

Alternative Statistics

Mostly Because I Am A Linda Ronstadt Fan

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Stephen Miller Is The MAGA Platonic Ideal

Replay Miller's meltdown and compare it to Collins here. When confronted with the source of his numbers on crime in Venezuela, Miller wants to cite Maduro's government's statistics, but when he's questioned why he would do that (and not accept the crime statistics of the U.S. government), he completely melts down.  Collins is milder, but in the same vein:  "City officials aren't the only source.  [some people say this is happening....]".  

It'd be interesting if you pointed out to Collins how racist the entire idea is.

You really can't slip a piece of paper between Collins and Miller, except Collins is committed to his talking points, and Miller is invested in his weltanschaaung. It's his identity, and he can't let it be challenged.  But that's just a difference of degree.

Put another way, Miller is the Platonic ideal; Trump is the Form; and GOP MAGAt officials are the shadows of the Form on the cave wall.  But it is still all of a piece, and one is inseperable from the other.

Slow Horses, or, Failure To Launch

But the Trump campaign thought they had the antidote: Trump was going to manipulate the moderators (hey, it'd worked before!). But, of course, ABC put a thumb on the scale: Which is to say, the moderators acted like rational people in a room with a lunatic, and told him, no, "abortion" does not include executing babies once they are born, and they weren't going to let the debate devolve into a shouting match about nonsense. (Who was that supposed to serve?  Three guesses, first two don't count...) Although, honestly, how dare they intrude on the sacred work of politicians lying to the voters about things that are as untrue as the lizard people are controlling our brains with Z-rays? (That is true, of course, as every right thinking Earthling knows, and only the people under the control of the Lizard Kings think otherwise!)

In short, Trump failed to execute his exfil and bug out while the room was filled with squid ink and everyone wondered how he'd managed to escape again.  He failed to execute because Kamala refused to play the game, and instead played Trump.  Who is so easily and plainly played he really should be exiled to the outer darkness where there is naught but wailing and gnashing of teeth, and given a rubber ball to entertain himself because presumably he can't hurt himself with that (we're not animals!). 

Trump doesn't "go rogue."  Just like he doesn't deviate that much from what's on his teleprompter at the rally.  Listen to Stephen Miller again.  Everyone around Trump speaks this language, or they aren't around Trump. What we still call "rogue" is what Trump is. Yes, the journalists who cover him should see this, but they don't because "objectivity" or perhaps worse, this is the way people in Trump's sphere operate, he just does it worse because he only apes their behaviors, he doesn't really understand those behaviors or his motivations himself.  Like the badly fitting suit and the red "power tie" (already an anachronism as out of date as bell-bottomed blue jeans), Trump behaves the way people in his circle behave. And journalists can't see that for the destructive, and often self-destructive, behavior it is.  Or they won't say, because that would "put a thumb on the scale."  But the thumb is already there; they just refuse to identify it.

I think it's a New York thing, except Leon isn't from New York:
The problem with high-speed rail is that we tore up all the train tracks (Houston had an old rail line running parallel to I-10 when I moved here.  They finally tore it up to expand the freeway, only later to think they might need some kind of rail to provide mass transit that didn't involve cars clogging freeways.  The light rail they built downtown goes nowhere execpt back and forth downtown, in a very limited area, in no small part because ROW is expensive (so it runs on city streets, and crashes into cars).  The rail in Chicago runs on "regular" train tracks, but Houston destroyed those and paved over the ROW.  Regulation?  Or short-sightedness?).  New high-speed rail will need new ROW.  Texas has talked about high speed rail from Houston to Dallas for decades; but it never gets anywhere because there's too much private property (and development) between here and Dallas, in any kind of straight line.  Regulation isn't blocking it: private interests are.  Even with eminent domain, it will cost a small fortune just to get the ROW; and then you start laying track.  Let's just say colonies on Mars are more likely, and that's so sciencey fictional (yes, that's not a typo) it's more rational to believe in God (nor is that a typo).

I do love it that Leon is now blaming Kamala for his failure to launch to Mars, where he promised us he was going to move.  Leon is every bit the two-bit hustler Trump is.  So it's definitely something about men with too much money.

Mark Cuban is the exception that proves the rule.

Best Served Cold 🥶


OODA Loops

 Or not.  My reference (such as it is), is to this comment by Ms. Haberman:

Haberman said that those advisors are "more concerned, bluntly," that Trump failed to tie Harris to Biden and make her "own" the last 3 1/2 years in the White House.

The reason Trump failed to tie Harris to Biden, is that Harris wouldn't let him.  Trump isn't really all that clever or "feral" or somehow "cunning."  He just brings an ungentlemanly style to a game mostly played by rich men according to certain Marquis de Queensbury rules.  But Trump doesn't follow those rules, so it's easy for him to set the narrative and force his opponents to respond to it.  My crude but (I think!) effective metaphor is the Tar Baby from the B'rer Rabbit stories.

B'rer Fox fashions a tar baby, a kind of scarecrow made of tar, and B'rer Rabbit comes along and takes it for real, and tries to engage it in friendly conversation.  The tar baby, of course, doesn't respond, breaking the "rules" of social engagement.  B'rer Rabbit grows enraged and finally does what B'rer Fox intended: he punches the tar baby for its stoic insolence.  And gets a paw irretrievably stuck.  And then another paw, and then a foot, and then the other foot.

When Trump can set the terms of the discourse, such as requiring Harris to respond to his lies and nonsense about the Biden Administration (all Trump ever says is Biden is failure, and Trump was the Greatest President EVER!), he can get his opponent to punch the tar baby.  From them on, he's in control.  You simply can't fight nonsense and lies with facts and figures and rational responses, or even appeals to the record.  You've already lost, because you're fighting on Trump's terms, and he doesn't care about facts and figures and the historical record.  Trump only cares about what Trump declares, and before long you're arguing with the drunk at the end of the bar, or the troll in internet comments (or, these days, your Twitter feed).

As everyone knows who has argued with a troll, the only way to win is not to play.  Trolls don't have an argument, they are just argumentative.  All they care about is keeping you in the argument.  That's how they "win."  You can't defeat them with facts and figures and reasoning; they don't care about those things.  They just want to keep you responding to them "BECAUSE SOMEBODY ON THE INTERNET IS WRONG!"

The only way to win, is to never punch the tar baby.

Harris understands this.  She never responded to Trump's taunts and jibes.  She talked about what she wanted to do, about connecting with people.  The closest she got was outlining tax cuts and government programs she would champion.  This is criticized as not being sufficiently fleshed out, but if she had done so in two-minutes bites she'd have been castigated for insufficiently explaining her plans.  That, or the MEGO effect would make the audience stop listening almost immediately.  Lose-lose, either way; especially because Trump would keep yelling his fantasies about what he did and Biden hasn't done (none of Trump's facts or figures were any more grounded in reality than Stephen Miller's to the reporters). The only way to win is not to play.  And like any internet troll, Trump doesn't know what to do with that.

And then you win.

Which is why that's what Trump's campaign is worried about.  How do they win, if Kamala won't come out and play?


D'ya think? Failure to blame ABC is not going to sit well with MAGA. I'm really curious how his governance ability isn't undermined by the screaming needs of his very fragile ego. You say that like it's a bad thing. Isn't Trump supposed to be the one manipulating the press? Was she supposed to let Trump have the good night? Is that how this works? "YOU'RE FIRED!" Picking up the theme of the previous post.

Trump Is Not Sui Generis

If you're like me, you are inclined to skip the video and look for a written summary.  Trust me on this: watch the video.  Trump is not unique.  The people he relies on are as brittle and ignorant and challenged as he is.

Miller even resorts to the same "evidence" as Trump: what he says he saw on TeeVee.  Except I suspect by "TeeVee" he means YouTube, where you can find whatever bullshit somebody wants to put on, and which they can label "Aurora, CO" and "Venezuelan gangs."  Do Venezuelans look distinctly different from people in other countries?

Police in Aurora say no Venezuela gang is running an apartment in Colorado. 

Nor does Miller have evidence Venezuela gangs exist in America. 

But he gets upset very quickly when his words are not accepted as gospel, and he tries to fall back on horror stories which imply the only violence in America is committed against children, and only by non-Americans.

But the funny part is, this journalist is not worried about losing access.  He wants facts.  Miller doesn't have any.  Miller has stories that feed his xenophobia, because only "immigrants" are threatening the lives of our children.  Like Trump, when Miller doesn't find an audience who simply listens, or stops asking questions, he just walks away in frustration.  He lives to spew his venom and have it drunk like wine.

You see in Miller what you see in Trump.  Neither of them are fit for civilized society, much less to sit at the pinnacle of power of that society.

Concepts Of Debates

Strategy! (No, seriously. And it worked REALLY well!) Now? I think that analysis is a rare moment when ew is too optimistic; but time will tell. That's the salient question. Or at least the issue to keep in mind: political reporting follows the herd, and by and large, sucks. It's gossip, and the Democrats are never the Kewl Kids. Even when the Republicans are demonstrably insane xenophobic racists. Because while the "press" tries to be liberal on matters of race...they really aren't.

The Crucial Lesson From The Debate That Should Not Be Lost

But sure, blame ABC for it, as if that makes it better: Truth hurts:

The Beat(down) Goes On

So I was sitting in a Dr.'s waiting room this morning, and there was a woman there (younger than me, from appearances) on her cell phone, talking loudly (as people on cell phones do), and it became apparent she was talking about the debate last night. Specifically, she was talking about the allegations of immigrants eating cats and ducks. I'll add she was a black woman, but she was complaining about the claims these allegations were racist. She couldn't see it, and it upset her such claims were being made, because they were baseless, and the real problem was people eating pets.  That's when I knew she was assuming that the stories were true. Classic "low information voter," IOW.

And then she went on and averred she probably wasn't going to vote for either candidate anyway, and from her tone and her conversation I inferred she seldom voted at all, because, you know, no candidate ever met her high standards.  Which is really a way of saying voting doesn't matter at all, or who's in office doesn't matter at all, and frankly, what're ya gonna do with folks like that?  Except, as I say, it's probably the majority of Americans, who can't be bothered to vote, ever.  Which, as often as not, is a much a good thing as it is a bad thing.

And that's the way it is....

Both Sides Now

Having watched a few "undecided voters" be interviewed now (it doesn't take many), I'm convinced these are people who see a chance to be on TeeVee, or just get mention in the NYT, who have no real interest in the election either way.  At worst they're lying about their interest, at best they complain Candidate A or Candidate B (or both) don't give them a "thrill up their leg" (Chris Matthews, whom no one misses). 

Meaning the likelihood of them voting at all is zip and none.  I don't mean every voter must be partisan as hell and zealous to get their hands on a ballot, but these "undecided" voters only represent the (unfortunately) vast majority of American voters who never darken the door of a polling place or ever in their lives will place a stamp on a mail-in ballot.  So they tell us less about the state of the elction than a poll of 900 people or another "model" from Nate Silver.
That's the only election analysis I'll ever offer. "Run through the tape." 

And fact-checking is completely fucking pointless:
The sky wasn't measurably less blue during Trump's administration, either. Too true to be good.

The Happy Corpse At Every Funeral

No; bad morning.

Like A Whipped Dog* (*Only because Trump loves to misuse references to dogs)

💯 No Notes

I guess you could call it that. It tempted me to change the name of the blog. Second favorite take so far: "I'm Kamala Harris, and I approve this message." It's down to $15. From a high of $79.  Most analysts expect it to last until the election, and if Trump loses, it tanks.  The theory is it will increase in value if Trump wins. Cherry on the sundae. The market has spoken. Fact check: TRUE! "I'm Kamala Harris, and I...", well, you know the drill.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More AI and More Debate Prep

A white guy running with a white duck and a yellow tabby from a sceaming crowd of black people? Why no, what do you mean? For those who need context, the gentlelady from South Carolina is hungry: And jealous Gym Jordan got all the attention. (and why is it every AI on this subject is a white duck and a yellow tabby? What, no black cats need apply? Uhhh....never mind.) SO SAY WE ALL! The current narrative from the Trump campaign is that he's the most prepared candidate for debate in the history of the world. Because the truth and working the refs by downplaying Trump's prowess was too much for his ego. He can't go 90 minutes with a teleprompter and a friendly crowd just listening. And he couldn't make sense if you put a gun to his head. I do love the game before the game! My kind of drinking game! I wonder if this will come up as a topic tonight? I may just have to watch this.

Good night, Mr. and Mrs. America, and all the ships at sea! Look for me no more until the morrow! Maybe!

AI Really Is Going To Be The Death Of Us All

This is the outcome even "Idiocracy" couldn't foresee. Although, yeah: Besides, as Mrs. Lovett told Sweeney Todd: "Let me tell you that them pussy cats is quick!"  They need neither guns nor protection.  They have brains.

And also, too, as well: Something to think about during the debate. My debate prep looks a little like this: Although actually I'll just be pointing and laughing (and prefer real tortilla chips to "Doritos").

Because Kamala Harris Is A Childless Cat Lady?

Or because Kamala is secretly an illegal Haitian immigrant? Or because Nancy Mace is a childless cat lady?

This shit is getting confusing.
But which jobs did they take? Black? Or Hispanic! C'mon, man, this is important!!! I think if Trump had organized it, it would have gone that badly. Law enforcement or the Deep State would have done a better job. ETTD. I'm just surprised it doesn't have the Presidential Seal on it somewhere. Personally I'm happy for Trump to take the House and Senate down with him.

Same As It Ever Was?

That would be the people historically associated with being anti-slavery? Which is pretty much stated in modern parlances as "woke"?

Debate Prep

They Never Had Any Intention Of It Going Back To The States

Ashcroft approved the ballot measure as MO SOS (per the law). It was challenged in court, and Rush Limbaugh's cousin (you can't make this up) ruled it was improper under state law. That was appealed directly to the MO Supreme Court, bypassing the appellate court, and the MO SC accepted the appeal to be heard this morning. Ashcroft sent that letter out yesterday. The Court heard the appeal this morning. The deadline to get on the ballot is 5 p.m. today.

However, Ashcroft’s actions caused the defendants to file a motion to hold Ashcroft in contempt of court for decertifying the ballot initiative during the stay.

“This court has authority over this process right now, the public has been told, as they should have been, that you're going to decide whether this measure is on the ballot or not, and that's true, you're going to decide that,” Hatfield said. “The secretary of state went and told them, ‘No, you don't have any authority to decide whether it's on the ballot.’ He just decertified it. It's open contempt for your authority. It's open contempt for the rule of law.”

Fuck the law.  Republicans rule. 

Dems In Disarray

You and an army of "ghost busses"? Marge wants to vote on the SAVE Act, not the CR. She wants to close the government down. Not voting on SAVE will cost House seats, she thinks. The track record of the party in control taking the hit for shutting down government notwithstanding. That's per the 12 3/4 Amendment. It's double secret amendment. Cat ladies? Or cat eaters? Or both? Well, you know, IF all those rumors turn out to be false. In the meantime: CAT MEMES!!!! Or Roy Cohn memes. A reminder that Roy Cohn was the Tailgunner Joe's hit man and a driving force to convict and execute the Rosenbergs. Speaking of toady lawyers nobody knows anything about anymore: Probably more space than should have been wasted on Greenwald (who beclowned himself when he "bravely" returned to the States under Obama to collect an award. It turned out the Feds weren't interested enough to even detain him briefly. And he had so hoped they were.), but satisfying nonetheless. That can't be right! Eric just paid $130 to fill up his SUV! That can't be right, either! Or that! Or that! I mean, Kamala flip-flopped on fracking! From four years ago! While Trump only flip-flopped on abortion! 4 times in one day!

Benedictine Morning Prayers

"O God open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise."

It's from the Psalms, but it's used as the opening line for morning prayer in a Benedictine prayerbook I have and occassionally employ (not that the latter is any of your business.  This is not that kind of post. I am, if anything, a more whited sepulchre than you will ever be!  There; my piety bona fides are established.  Move along.).  It interests me only as a phrase, right now; because lately my mind sticks (could be the beginning of lectio divino?  NO!  We're not going there!  Not here! Down, boy!) mind sticks on it.  The idea, the physical idea:  may God open my lips, and (then?) my mouth will declare your praise.

Now, to begin at the end, I have no problem with praising God.  As a theological concept, I mean.  Praising God is not abasement before a higher power seeking its beneficence.  Praising God is an act of proper humility. I know humility runs against the modern American grain (especially), but humility is the core of Christianity (or should be, IMHTO).  So praising God is not an act of self=abnegation or abdication or ego-stroking the "Man Upstairs."  Praising God is like prayer:  its for us; not for God.

It seems to me all criticism of prayer or praise founders on this point:  it takes human need out of consideration.  It is assumed humans don't need God (or prayer, therefore) and certainly don't need to praise God.  Well, I wouldn't say it is a function equivalent to the need for food, shelter, and clothing.  Then again the "hierarchy of need" is terribly reductionist and foolishly positivist (it feigns empricism, but it's real focus is positivism).  The cave paintings in France, the rock art in South Texas, indicate that cultures we would hardly describe as meeting our expectations of "need" on the hierarchy of same, found shade under rocks, or burrowed underground where paintings would be undisturbed by the elements or other humans, in order to make art.  Why?  It doesn't feed, shelter, or clothe one.  Yet, there it is:  as essential (at least) as those.  If the "hierarchy of needs" neglects matters artistic (why do we make music?  tell stories?  write and recite poems?  Paint?  sculpt? photograph?), it just as surely neglects matters spiritual (why is religion so ubiquitous in human culture?  And why, after a century of medicine and technology and standards of living that would beggar kings and princes of only a few centuries ago, are we still so spiritually empty and bereft, so unhappy in the world we've made?  Indeed, the default setting soon after adolescence seems to be that everything sucks and our world is a ruin and a wasteland, and despair is the only accepted response; joy and exuberance just mean you don't understand reality.  (Yes, Trump preaches something like this, but he does so to promise restoration; and because he really doesn't understand reality.).  If there is a true 'hierarchy of needs' that doesn't understand the need for non-material matters (love; friendship, joy, matters of spirit however you wish to define/demarcate them), is it really considering all human needs?  Or just the ones we ascribe to the animals (who more and more are found, as we finally look, to be as relational and communal and "human" as we.  We long ago domesticated dogs and cats, and many other domesticated animals as well express love and joy,  Why have the dogs and cats, especially, not gone back, thrown off the yoke of human companionship, returned to the "wild"?  I don't ask for a conclusive answer; I just ask to raise the question.) But is it right to call animals "animals," meaning something less than, and less valuable or worthy than, humans?


Do dogs and cats love us because we love them?  Or do they not love at all, and it's just a human illusion?  I don't have an answer, but I don't think it's just a matter of "needs" on their part.  I find, from my experience, that's a very reductionist answer.  It squeezes too much out and casts it aside as unimportant. Do I need my cat to praise me?  No.  But I need to acknowledge the importance of my cat, so I don't treat it like a piece of paper I've used and throw away, or a piece of furniture I've decided to replace for my own convenience.  Do I need to praise God?  In the sense of "needs," no.  In the sense of spiritual well-being, I need to acknowledge my position before God.  And give thanks, to the Creator.  It puts things in perspective, if I do.

This is not about praising God for my comfortable life.  Materially, my life is comfortable, but by American standards it has not always been so.  Nothing I've done as an adult has lead to a comfortable and secure end.  I'm benefiting now, in my retirement, not from what I did, but from the wealth (such as it is by American standards) my father left me.  My life was a series of failures, not successes.  I say that honestly, not despairingly.  God did not provide me the life the "Gospel of Wealth" preachers preach (and the irony of that phrase, used first by Andrew Carnegie to establish some social responsibility by the robber barons for the wealth they accumulated from the masses, the individuals who make up society.  He meant to return that money to society, and he did.  Preachers today mean to accumulate wealth; for themselves first, and for their followers, who funnel that wealth to the preachers. It's grotesque.)  This isn't about me, and you don't need to know the sordid details of my life.  But to the extent God blessed me, or was with me, it wasn't to make life easy, or to make me succeed in spite of myself.  I don't believe that childish nonsense that basically teaches believers are adolescents and God is the "father" who provides for all your needs for all your life (a teaching a little too close to the life story of Donald Trump for comfort, these days). So what God provides is material; and it isn't.

God opening my lips would be very physical indeed, wouldn't it?  If God is opening my lips, is my mouth declaring God's praise? Or is it still God?  God talking to Godself?  That's a bit odd, isn't it? A little too recursive, at least. Praise doesn't come from God; praise comes from us.  Does God need it?  Is it an ego boost, like Jeff Goldblum's Zeus in the Netflix series "Kaos"?  If you don't know it, allow a small diversion.  Goldblum's Zeus sits on Olympus and expects prayers and attention and praise from humans (whom, he tells Dionysus by way of education, don't matter.  Only the "family" matters, meaning the Olympian Gods).  Getting such praise, he showers (literally; he makes it rain) beneficence on them.  Not hearing it, he grows petulant and decides to bring them back into line with plagues and natural disasters and, ultimately, wars and chaos.  Only then, he reasons, will they get back to the proper work of worshipping Zeus; oh, and the other gods.  After all, what are people for?

That's not the Christian idea of God, at all.  It is the idea of some baptized heathens and preachers of wealth, but it's no more Christian than Donald Trump is.  Praise to God is, as I said, for the human.  It's not for God.  It aligns the human before God, in the presence of God, in the awareness of God.  Humility clears away selfishness (Zeus, in my example, epitomizes selfishness.  Prometheus, the narrator, even tells us that Zeus was, at one time, fully human.  No duh. He certainly behaves like one, in the myths and in the Netflix series.).  Zeus, however, doesn't open anyone's lips; and nobody asks him to.  Zeus just expects praise for what he does (which, it turns out, is foster a massive lie that keeps him both immortal and possessing god-like power.  Remember Prometheus said Zeus was once human?  All too human, it turns out).

So asking God to open your lips, and in return your mouth will declare God's praise, is a different locution and request than we might be expecting.  It puts me in mind of my NT Professor's comment that he spent an entire graduate seminar examining the words of institution from the synoptics (there is no eucharist in John) and Paul's letters.  They couldn't find a direct comparison to Jesus telling his followers that bread was his body and wine his blood (symbolically; really; somewhere in between, all theories/arguments that came along centuries later, over a millenia for the first and third).  And please don't city Dionysus to me, that's completely inapplicable.  It's a bit of a mystery where it comes from, except full blown from the brow of Jesus; and what does it mean?  (Theologians and church fathers have been arguing over that one for over 2 millenia.)  This phrase from the Psalms is not quite so sui generis,  but it strikes me as refreshingly obvious and obscure at the same time.  It's really offering a bit of a deal, a bargain; but as I say, and as the Psalmist knows, praise is not for God's benefit, but for ours (if we can do anything to benefit God, then God is no better than Zeus, on Netflix or in the mythology).  Asking God to open your lips so your mouth can declare God's praise is a surprisingly intimate intimation of the relationship between pray-er and the God to whom the prayer (praise, to reiterate, is prayer; no reason it isn't) is directed.

Which, as I think of it, may go a long way to explaining why the Our Father is directed at what we need to do and what we can do for others; not what God can do for us or what we can ask God for (the most the prayer asks for is "this day our daily bread".  Not much at all, when you think about it.).  But that's a further consideration built on this one.  As usual, I tend to stop just when it's getting interesting.  It's a limitation of my mind; or of the forum.

I think this time I'll blame the forum.

Monday, September 09, 2024

"Some People Say"

Is Eric's SUV an 18-wheeler?

The oil market is in another tailspin. Producer group OPEC+ is scrambling to stop the bleeding. And gas prices are falling fast, with more to come.

All of this is music to the ears of drivers.

US gas prices fell to a fresh six-month low of $3.31 a gallon on Thursday, down 50 cents from this point last year, according to AAA.

Drivers in 10 US states - including Texas, Kentucky and Kansas - are paying less than $3 a gallon on average. Andy Lipow, president of consulting firm Lipow Oil Associates, expects that another nine states will join the sub-$3 list in the next two weeks.

Data from OPIS, which tracks gas prices at 130,000 stations nationwide, shows that nearly 41,000 of those stations, or nearly one out of every three, are already charging less than $3 a gallon for regular gas. A year ago at this time there were barely 100 stations nationwide that were below the $3 mark.

By around Thanksgiving, approximately 35 to 40 states could be below $3 a gallon, GasBuddy’s Patrick De Haan told CNN on Thursday.

Or has he found the last full-service gas station in America?  Because either he's paying twice the average price for a gallon of gas, (the "Trump Tax" because nobody likes his family), or he's filling up at about 45 gallons a stop.

Oh, he got worse:
And that's not even including the War on Christmas 2024! And while I have you here: Ah, the police union is coming to the defense of the police; including, I guess, the officer who has been suspended. More: Yeah, about that: I was told as a young driver (i.e., still a teenager) to be polite to the police officer and, if possible, step out of the car to show compliance. Not because I'd get a cop on my back or be "redirected to the ground," but because it might get me out of a ticket. And it did, more than once. Of course, I'm never Driving While Black.  I mean:

We would like to stress to the community to use this as an opportunity to remember that it is always best to obey lawful police commands first and complain later. 

I was polite because I might get out of the ticket; not because I might get handcuffed and "redirected to the ground" by someone jumping on my back, twice.  Had I behaved like Mr. Hill did, I might have gotten two citations, too.  But I wouldn't have been handcuffed and jumped on.  That's perfectly goddamned clear.
Pretty much the reason the officer was suspended. In the following, ignore Eric and read the scroll next to him. What Harris has said/done about police officers in the past sounds pretty damned sensible to me. Trump, by contrast, wanted the Central Park Seven summarily executed. And that was a long, long time before MAGA. No wonder the police unions and the FOP love him. Well, we wandered far afield from Eric's Ignorant Rant About Gas Prices, but maybe he doesn't want to think about the price of gas dropping further by November.  Me, I don't want to think about victims of DWB, or the police unions who protect them and support Trump because he wants to give 'em more of what they've already got. But in closing, our Better Late Than Never Dept. Anderson Cooper is apparently tired of eating shit and telling everyone it tastes like sugar. Cooper is reacting like a man who finally realized everything he's hearing from Trump apologists is just variations on "Some people say."