Friday, July 26, 2024

Closing The Circle

The shooting is now everything, and Trump will fight fiercely to control the story about it. Which means not releasing any information about it, except his own words. It’s not a hill worth dying on. The FBI doesn’t want to die on it. Harris shouldn’t even fight on it. Let Trump fight on it. He’s only fighting for attention. Leave him to it. My money is on attention.

Wrestling With The Story

"The opiate of the masses.” No, not religion. Whatever this guy is peddling. But he doesn’t seem to be selling anything to the masses. He seems to still be trying to sell some kind of opiate to himself. Anybody so much as seen pictures of this damage? Is he still running against Biden? Okay.... Not sure why the time is important. Trying and trying to wrestle control of the narrative back. Now the shooting is connected to the search warrant is connected to how badly the country is treating him. It always comes back to him. Why’s everybody always pickin’ on him? Cslmer. More serene. Interested in unity. How do either of them vote for you? Irony is back on suicide watch. It always comes back to him. He’s always the ultimate victim. Projection is a harsh mistress. And Ms. Harris’s husband is Jewish. Leegill skollar. Gotta come back to that. That narrative is his last, best hope. And “he didn’t”? He wants to still be running against Trump. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. And projection is still a cruel mistress. The golden oldies: To stop the whales? Self-awareness is not his strong suit. Because Trump will fix everything, so you won’t need to? He’s said this before. There’s no way to interpret it that isn’t delusional; and dangerous.

Trump is going back to the scene of the crime (although probably an indoor venue, this time). Maggie Haberman says:
“That was a moment that came at the end of a month where his popularity had increased and it started increasing after his debate with President Biden," Haberman said. “I think some of that is level setting for him.”
I think it more likely he’s trying to regain the power of that narrative for himself because he’s got nothing else right now. He’s abandoned sharks and batteries and Hannibal Lecter. He didn’t even mention immigrants.

He still hasn’t let go of Biden, whose departure from the race has ruined Trump’s strategy. The best he can do against Harris is call her a “bum” because none of his schoolyard nicknames are working (his whole schtick is as shopworn as a Borscht Belt comedian’s). He’s old, she’s new: it begins and ends there. He doesn’t have any new material; and he can’t come up with any. Against Biden he could say anything, confident (falsely or not) that he was winning. Now, he’s scared shitless and he’s got nothing.

Calling Harris a bum tells me he’s not worried about Vance insulting women. Insults are Trump’s lingua franca. The argument that he’s upset with Vance is the same argument that Melania was upset with Trump: people imagining Trump or Melania think the way they do.

So he needs new material, but he doesn’t have any. He needs to be in control, but he’s not in control. He’s going back to Butler trying to recover that control. But all he’s got is: she’s a bum; he won’t pronounce her name; and she hates Jews.

And, that he took a bullet for democracy.

Kamala has enthusiasm and political skills and, as the Olympics are waning (which will push Trump off the front pages), the Democratic Convention will put the enthusiasm for her in prime time for the week.

Trump’s gonna need more than a bullet and “she’s a bum.” Whatever he needs, he doesn’t have it now. And he’s losing momentum rapidly.

Now Ear 👂 This

Is it...?

A) Sympathetic magic, i.e., saying it makes it so?, or

B) The rubes need their copium fix?
Now another Trump toady, Senator Lindsey Graham, has taken it one step further by demanding in a letter to Wray that he retract his testimony and state publicly that a bullet nicked Trump's ear. Trump promptly posted the letter to his Truth Social account.
What is Lindsey Graham going to do when he doesn’t have Donald Trump to lamprey to? They’re really serious about this. For all those who think Twitter influences elections, and influences real life. And since his ear seems to have miraculously healed, he needs to regain some interest in it. Or in his bravery. Everyone knows it won’t be a memorial service for the man who died. Curious thing: it’s not here. Maybe it’ll show up later. Be interesting to know if this is confirmed without new information. Not that that will stop them: It’s like they live in this little pocket universe where everything has to revolve around them or the sun’s gone out. ⛅️  The absence of Biden/rise of Harris has made the shooting last month’s news, but the GOP wants desperately to hang on to it. It comes down to this.

It’s Ronny Jackson, so it’s not worth much, if anything. But this is the hill they want to die on, without releasing any information, but insisting you take their word for it.

The FBI is not involved in politics here (although it was 8 years ago when Comey reported on the investigation into Hillary). Wray reported what the FBI knew,, what it didn’t know was what the hospital records said. Jackson is an unreliable witness reporting what Trump wants reported, which may, or may not, be what the hospital recorded.

And Jackson is reporting his political opinion. While apparently speaking for the Trump campaign and the would-be Trump Administration. Which makes his statement even more interesting. They’re acting like this really matters; and it does.

It’s the only story, at this point, that they can control.

Shovel Time!

Audio 👆 Transcript 👇 I saw the transcript first, but I had to confirm he’s really that stupid.

And remember, he meant to do this:
He’s really that stupid.

Back Foot Forward

This article doesn’t mention the medical records, and I have no idea what authority the FBI has to get them.  But this alone makes the article worth noting:
“Anyone who believes this conspiracy bullsh*t is either mentally deficient or willfully peddling falsehoods for political reasons,” Trump adviser Steven Cheung told CNN.
It’s only a conspiracy theory when it’s used against you. 

Not used to seeing Trump so back footed. I like it.

I Had Not Realized What An Enormous Snob H.L. Mencken Was

I have never been one to suffer fools gladly (which is not a comment on WJB), but I’ve always considered that a character flaw, not a sign of my superiority.

Especially in these days of Trump and Vance I see in Mencken a desperation to rise above his social status and be accepted among his “betters” by stepping on the faces of the hoi polloi. I suppose that’s still tacitly admired among the dregs of the British aristocracy (or not; what do I know?), but it’s as thoroughly un-American as any snobbery can be.

common worker certainly covers a multitude of sins. And certainly no "charlatan" or "montebank" or "zany" could have written the Cross of Gold speech. Our Democratic Party could learn much from him today
Thank you. That’s exactly what I was thinking of.

And I’m Here For It, As The Kids Say

Unsubtly aimed at Boomers who grew up on this style of video presentation.

The Trump Campaign Reasserts Control Of The Narrative

What Hit Trump Is The Issue

There are actually three issues: It’s worth noting Chris Wray did not say Trump was not hit by a bullet. He said the FBI couldn’t determine that because they couldn’t get the medical records. This NYT analysis is interesting, but the best evidence is the medical records. Why can’t we see them? And what is the risk if any, of delayed, or present, brain injury?

People are still saying Biden stepped down due to “cognitive decline.” Is Trump similarly at risk due to this injury? Don’t we deserve to know?

Also, too, as well:

Irrational Exuberance Is Not Always Fleeting

The question is: where does this enthusiasm come from?

MAGA wants desperately to say it comes from nowhere. That Harris couldn’t generate this interest on 2020 in the Democratic primaries, that she doesn’t have a record to run on (and Trump’s record in 2016 was…? 🤷🏻‍♂️ And his record in 2020 caused him to lose.) Basically, they got nothin’. They’re whistling as loudly as they can past the graveyard they suddenly find themselves next to.
I watched this speech live on local TeeVee (fortunately not on FoxNews, who cut it off early.) She’s a good speaker: very natural, very comfortable on her feet, and making it sound like she’s just talking, not reading. But the enthusiasm in the room reminded me of the early days of Obama. She literally had to get people to calm down so she could speak, and they broke into chants while she was speaking.

A lot of the excitement stems from that dramatic shift: from an old, white man stepping aside not because he couldn’t win (LBJ), but because he was passing the torch.

I know enthusiasm is supposed to fade; but this same enthusiasm turned Obama from a one-unfinished term Senator into the POTUS. I’m not discounting it now.
And it wasn’t just at an AFT meeting in Houston.

This was a race between two old white men, both known quantities and neither generating much enthusiasm. I mention race and gender because those things matter more to younger generations than they do to aging Boomers, and not just because of “identity politics.” Which is just another way of saying “white men should count more.” Something younger generations learned from Boomers before their attitudes ossified.

A lot of the excitement stems from that dramatic shift: from an old, white man stepping aside not because he couldn’t win (LBJ), but because he was passing the torch. (I know the pundits don’t like that story, but the voters clearly do. They’re putting their money and their energy behind it.) The way is finally cleared, and the non-Boomers are sprinting ahead to take advantage of it.

I remember this when Kennedy ran as the avatar of a “new generation.” He wasn’t a Boomer (none were old enough to be President until 1980), but he wasn’t an old man, and that made all the difference.  Ironically, “Kamalot” reflects that same enthusiasm.

Republicans really are on the back side of history again. This new wave is going to swamp them.

Why Trump Won’t Release ANY Medical Records

Because he has to control the narrative if he’s going to be the immortal hero of his own fairy tale.

The question only matters (bullet? Some stray fragments?) because he insists on not letting it be answered. And where’s the heroism and sacrifice in that?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris Is An Anti-Semite*

And at least the favorite niece of Rashida Tlaib, obviously.

*According to Elmo, because she wasn’t in D.C. to listen to Bibi.

Dog Whistle 😙

Harkening back to the good old days of birtherism. Which the campaign hasn’t officially adopted (nor the “DEI” critique), but they haven’t disavowed it, either. Nor even joined Mike Johnson in publicly criticizing racist appeals.

So, yeah, they’re bringing it closer.

They also can’t say Biden is secretly running the Harris campaign, so now Obama is in control of the convention.

A conspiracy theory for every occasion.


The agent of chaos is running away because…too much chaos.

He no longer controls the narrative, either. Will that make him drop out of the race?


Kamala Harris Must Be Impeached!

For this failure as the Border Czar protecting……from…



Really, FoxNews shouldn’t even go there. Or there, for that matter. Projection is a harsh mistress. Did they already forget Putin favors Trump? "Let’s Go, Brandon,” turned into “Dark Brandon.” Trump saying Kamala is the prosecutor, he’s the felon, was a Harris campaign ad by sundown that day. Now, “Kamalot.”

Is our children learning? Or is our children too stupid to walk and chew gum?

Shorter Peter Baker:

Biden is no longer in the horse race. He’s superfluous to needs.

Throwing It Against The Wall

Name three cases.
Let me just say one thing first," Trump began. "So, I had a meeting with them. First, I had a meeting with Congress, Republican Congress. It was like a lovefest. Then, I met with them and the US Senate, which was all Republicans, 49. And it was also a lovefest, but my best meeting of the three (sic) was with the executives. And Biden’s misinformation — people put out a thing: Oh, he went on, he rambled. There was no rambling. This, you could say, this is rambling, but in order to get to the point, you have to, you know, this is a very complex subject, that a lot of people, most people don’t understand. But I just wanted to say, that that was the best meeting. They loved it. They were happy with." 
The rambling comments continued as he bragged about his tax cuts in 2017. 
"But I would like to get it down to 15, if we could, because that would put us in the absolute lowest in terms of incentive. But that meeting and we had, I don’t know, 70—all CEOs, the top guys. That was a lovefest. And I will tell you when I’m not loved because I feel that better than anybody. But that was a lovefest. And it was reported by some people so wrong. Actually, CNBC called and apologized to me, because they found out. But we had a great meeting, Jamie Dimon was there. I have a lot of respect for Jamie Dimon." 
The reporter at Bloomberg asked the question again whether Dimon would be a candidate for Treasury Secretary. 
"He is somebody that I would consider, sure," Trump said. "He was at the meeting. Tim Cook was right next to him. You know, we had everybody."
Three weeks later Trump says he’d never consider Dimon at all, and he doesn’t know where they get this stuff.

But it’s the open admission of sucking need that’s really significant there. It’s not even that he has to describe everything as a “love fest,” or that his vocabulary is stuck in time 60 years ago. It’s that people have to love him. Have to; or he can’t even regard them as valid. Or, more accurately, himself as valid. Which puts this in context:
"If they do 'assassinate President Trump,' which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth," Trump wrote. "If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered 'gutless' cowards!"
A) if Iran did assassinate Trump, he won’t be around to complain about the sufficiency of the response. B) The last time the last time this country retaliated for murder by foreigners, it involved over 3000 people and led to a long, pointless, and inconclusive war in two countries.

All that aside, obliterating Iran? What idiot demands such a thing? Maybe an angry four year old, or the monstrous Anthony from Jerome Bixby’s “It’s A Good Life.” But that’s a fantasy horror story; not a map for reality.

Donald Trump’s idea of reality is not a map for anyone else to to follow.

What JD Vance Brings To The Ticket

And unity! Trump knows nothing about Project 2025, and the fact that he does….wait a minute!

Besides, the important thing is that parents get more votes than non-parents.

“Hard And Ugly” Coming Soon

Sidner played a clip of Trump speaking with "Fox & Friends" on Thursday morning in which he said of Harris that "I'd love to be nice but I'm dealing against real garbage."
As soon as they can iron out the kinks in the messaging.

“Effective” is going to take a lot longer.

Just Trump Being Trump

Like his repeated references to Hannibal Lecter, nothing to see here, nothing to report on.  Old news. Everybody knows Trump talks this way. Pay no attention.

This is much more important:
(This is the only reference on the NYT Twitter feed to Trump’s NC rally: Nothing else important to put in the newspaper of record. And Biden still hasn’t given the NYT that interview.)

They Don’t Like “DEI Hire”…?

...and "childless cat lady"?
The natives are getting restless, and in the absence of direction from the top, your best surrogates can turn into your worst enemy,” said Liam Donovan, a former National Republican Senatorial Committee aide. “Republicans know they don’t like Kamala Harris, but they need a coherent, coordinated message if they’re going to convince the rest of the country.” 
Harris for now has been capitalizing on the wall-to-wall coverage while the Trump team figures out its messaging, but that dynamic won't last for long. 
"[She] has literally jumped out into campaigning with energy and joy, and the Trump team isn’t sure what will work against her yet," said Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen. “I do think the Trump team will find their footing, though, and this will get hard and ugly.”
They want something harder and uglier?  Like this? Or this? Asking for a friend....

Shorter Stephen Miller

"My guy not winning = ‘election fraud.’”

Not shorter Ari Fleischer: “Biden is a looser so by the transitive property of association, Harris must lose. Or something.”

Shortest Miller and Fleischer: 😭😭😭😭😩

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why Doth The Heathen Rage?

Because the Emperor has no clothes?

Owned. A Twitter Tale
Consider his ambitious plans for missile defense: “Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. … They’ve only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out. Boom. OK. Missile launch. Woosh. Boom.” 
Or his suggestion that injecting disinfectant could fight COVID from within. 
Or his mathematically dubious analysis of the job market during his Republican convention coronation speech: “107 percent of jobs are taken by illegal aliens.” 
We could go on.
Taking Trump’s money and giving him nothing for it is rough justice of a sort. And speaking of rough justice... You mean like this?

Trump Book Club

"Real stories”? "Victim"? If you have to ask... (They were the lowest in years...) Truth sells. Who knew? Grandpa needs to go to bed.🛏️  From the horse's mouth. Projection is a cruel mistress. Who's gonna tell him? No, that’s Project 2025. SO SAY WE ALL! 


Yeah, But Three Women From Wisconsin…

...aren’t so sure.

People Are Asking…

But did his great-great-great-great-grandfather do it? Inquiring minds want to know!

Chicken? 🐓 Or Egg?🥚

Is this cause of the decline in mainline Xianity in America? Or because of it?

(Personally, I think it’s due to the postwar (WWII) climate which coupled American status with God , and got supercharged by the Red Scare (godless commies).

American flags were not a feature of American worship spaces before WWII. I met a young German pastor who was visiting UCC churches here. Her denomination was one of the ancestor churches of the UCC. She was disturbed by the flag in my church’s worship space (do was I), because the Nazis took over the church in Germany (and flags were one sign of that subservience). It got worse on “Scout Sunday” when the scout troop we sponsored was honored. That was fine, but parading the flag into worship and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (“You shall have no other gods before me”) was a bridge too far. Not that I could stop it.

So even apolitical congregations (I never preached politics) were “political.” That lasted through the fifties, became untenable in the’60’s, and finally broke out into “us” v “them” in the’70’s and ‘80’s.  And it’s only gotten worse.

So, yeah, the roots of that display (in the pictures) lie in the’60’s and the reaction to the anti-war movement (there are probably still a few “POW-MIA” flags in those stores). The past isn’t over; it isn’t even passed. But the dominant sentiments are equal parts reaction to the declining cultural authority of Protestantism, and the cause of that collapse. Because it’s now the public face of American Xianity. The face that isn’t old people, who to the young are “an alien people clutching their gods.”

Stuff like that ☝️ is what rushed in to fill the void.  IMHO, anyway.)

Speaker Johnson’s “How To Stop House Racism…”

...”and embarrassingly idiotic Articles of Impeachment.”

Until after Labor Day, anyway. I mean, who will stop the rain? 🌧️ 

Soaking In It

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure that you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” – Robert J. McCloskey

Behold The Next Great Controversy

Kamala Harris did (does? I don’t know the rules in these things) belong to an historically black college sorority. I assume it’s the same she addressed/is addressing (what’s the story there?).

“Colored” makes sense in context. “College” is redundant. Are there non-college sororities? There are non-“colored” ones.

Every time racism becomes too obvious, we rush to deny it.
I don’t think it’s even a question. It’s “garbled” only if you want it to be.


Ten tweets later: And still missing the target. “Thunderdome” would just be the ‘64 convention (before primaries) redux. I.e., elected delegates being campaigned by candidates to win their votes. Until primaries, that system was considered “democratic.” Now we criticize primaries because “primary voters” are more partisan than the general electorate. But is that, or is it not, “democratic”?

Under Democratic Party rules, delegates are released to vote as they please in this situation. They have democratically (as “democratically” as the Electoral College) pledged to vote for Kamala Harris. Same process as in pre-primary conventions.

Where’s the beef?

Honestly, squawking about the process may soothe MAGA, but that’s about all it’s worth.

Clearly An Undemocratic Process And Result

Remind me again, how much was Elmo going to give Trump? And for how long?

Oh, but now he isn’t, is he? And if I’m doing the math right, this means Kamala has something north of $350 million in campaign funds.

Spend it wisely. 

Trump would need it for his lawyers.


Because white men CAN’T “pander to race.” Or ever be a “DEI hire.” White men cannot discriminate, either. They can only be discriminated against.

And non-white men have to both pander to race (white men don’t have a “race”) and use DEI (cheating), in order to illicitly achieve the status of white men.

This example is an ugly and blunt statement of the principle. But it doesn’t have to be so ugly and blunt, to still assert the blunt and ugly principle.

Dear NYT:

There actually are rules for this: With Biden out of the race (same situation as if he’d died, basically), the majority of delegates pledged support for Harris. Because they chose to. Majority rules in a democracy, right? Most elected Democratic officials didn’t endorse Harris until the news of delegate support. 

What am I missing here?

Like Cockroaches 🪳

Speaking of identity politics and racism is like turning on the light and finding cockroaches in every room. 🪳 

Identifying Identity

NOT “identity politics” (they say). Identity politics. Because white men say so.

White men cannot engage in “identity politics.” But they alone can identify it in others. “Identity politics” simply means: non-white men (or just non-men) need not apply, because such persons are automatically disqualified.

The interesting thing is, we’d never allow anyone to use racial or sexist slurs in public discourse. But we freely allow euphemisms like “identity politics” and “DEI.”

The standard of measure is still white men, who are by definition incapable of “identity politics” or DEI. So Donald Trump and JD Vance “earn it” by having money. Non-rich, non-white men and women, white or not, can never earn it, but must always be earning it. Earning their identity as “a man to be reckoned with,” that is. 

Exhibit A:
The stone faced man is the default. Any deviation from the norm, is failure. QED. Does Kamala Harris laugh inappropriately? She laughs at all. Women’s laughter is weakness. Men’s laughter is another assertion of authority. It is always appropriate; unless it’s “girlish.”

Women’s laughter is always “girlish.”

See how it works?

“Identity politics” is always identified against someone. It’s always negative. And it’s always identified by cisgendered white men, against anyone not in that category, or as a way to exclude them from that category.  Cisgendered white men being the only ones who matter, and so the only ones whose definitions matter.

“Identity politics” means you have to be a cisgendered white male, or you’re just creating false categories to get you into the club, it equal to those born into the club. Because the only people who really matter are those in the club.  And in the club, the only people who really matter, are rich.

So Taylor Swift can never really matter:
Everything else is right, but she’s the wrong gender. Non-males need never apply.

It’s the ultimate identity politics.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

*Significantly Clears Throat*

Next question will be, how frequently will he hold rallies? Indoor rallies are more expensive. He went outdoors, even in the heat (Nevada; Florida) to save money.

So now what?


Make It So, No. 1!

Mike, do you remember a guy called Kevin McCarthy? And another one called John Boehner?

Why? Oh, no reason; no reason at all…

A Million Here, A Million There…

...Pretty soon you’re talking about real money. 💸 

Easy Come, Easy Go

Trump says Elmo doesn’t support democracy. He also says he’s returning the two new law firms he bought.

A Reminder Dan Patrick Is NOT In The House Of Representatives

LET THE MAN SPEAK! And sure enough, it got worse. !!!!!! But DEI!  San Francisco liberal!!!

Let the House do what it does best!
"I saw it on the Internet!” "I was just told to say there’s trouble at the mill! I didn’t expect a sort of Spanish Inquisition!” 😹😹😹

Hey, Mike Johnson!

It is her record! And it’s not “DEI”!

Solving America’s Problems?

So the GOP House leadership told the House GOP to stop with the race baiting. They think they can win on the facts. No, really:
“This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the competence of the person running for president, the relative strength of the two candidates and what ideas they have on how to solve America’s problems. And I think in that comparison, we’ll win in a landslide.”
Because, you know, Trump is all about the ideas to solve America’s problems.
One House Republican, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said Republicans who made comments about Harris being a DEI pick, which stands for diversity, equity and inclusion, needed to stop. 
“We have everything going our way and you just can’t handle that?” this member added. “We’ll give you a cheat sheet if you don’t know what else to talk about.”
Are they addressing Trump and Vance?  ‘Cause they need to. Besides, they’re still arguing over whether or not to impeach Biden, Harris, or force her to invoke the 25th amendment, an effort so pointless even the House majority isn’t interested. 
Dusty Johnson, asked about impeaching or investigating Harris, responded that “we’ve got appropriations we need to take care of.” Republicans appear poised to leave town as soon as Wednesday with much of that work unfinished, meaning they’ll return from August recess without much done on government spending ahead of a Sept. 30 shutdown deadline.
Yeah, appropriations are pending again, so…it’s time to leave town for a month.

What better way to point to Harris’ record? But before they leave, they do have time for one resolution.
House GOP leaders are instead considering a border-related resolution led by Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), which aims to condemn Harris’ efforts to address the record surge of border crossings under the Biden administration. That vote could occur as early as Wednesday, and is expected to draw more support than the 25th Amendment approach, particularly in the GOP’s paper-thin majority.
That’s right! Focus on the bi-partisan border bill that failed because…Trump killed it. Bring that up again!

It’s not the Trump campaign; it’s the entire GOP.
“She’s still the sitting vice president, but she’s also been the architect of many of President Biden’s worst failures,” Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) told reporters.
The infrastructure bill? Controlling costs of insulin and drugs for Medicare?  Or do you mean the border bill?

It really is the entire GOP.
Still working on controlling the message.