Trump's New Year's Eve 'media availability' was a nothing-burger that no cable news stations carried
— Raw Story (@RawStory) January 1, 2023
Let Trump trademark “Loser King.”
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 31, 2022
"I would like to say 'This book is written to the glory of God', but nowadays this would be the trick of a cheat, i.e., it would not be correctly understood."--Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."--Soren Kierkegaard
Trump's New Year's Eve 'media availability' was a nothing-burger that no cable news stations carried
— Raw Story (@RawStory) January 1, 2023
Let Trump trademark “Loser King.”
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 31, 2022
Time is told by death, who doubts it? But time is always halved--for all we know, it is halved--by the eye-blink, the synapse, the immeasurable moment of the present. Time is only the past and maybe the future; the present moment, dividing and connecting them, is eternal. The time of the past is there, somewhat, but only somewhat, to be remembered and examined. We believe that the future is there too, for it keeps arriving, though we know nothing about it. But try to stop the present for your patient scrutiny, or to measure its length with your most advanced chronometer. It exists, so far as I can tell, only as a leak in time, through which, if we are quiet enough, eternity falls upon us and makes its claim. And here I am, an old man, traveling as a child among the dead.--Wendell Berry, Andy Catlett: Early Travels
We measure time by its deaths, yes, and by its births. For time is told also by life. As some depart, others come. The hand opened in farewell remains open in welcome. I, who once had grandparents and parents, now have children and grandchildren. Like the flowing river that is yet always present, time that is always going is always coming. And time that is told by death and birth is held and redeemed by love, which is always present. Time, then, is told by love's losses, and by the coming of love, and by love continuing in gratitude for what is lost. It is folded and enfolded and unfolded forever and ever, the love by which the dead are alive and the unborn welcomed into the womb. The great question for the old and the dying, I think, is not if they have loved and been loved enough, but if they have been grateful enough for love received and given, however much. No one who has gratitude is the onliest one. Let us pray to be grateful to the last.
Does Silicon Valley still want to emulate Elmo's management style?incredible
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 30, 2022
Incredible stuff
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) December 30, 2022
Andrew Tate’s talent agent told the Washington Post that the allegations of human trafficking were “an orchestrated hoax put on by the matrix.”
Perhaps more to the point: what is Andrew Tate's "talent"?
By which I mean, it's not transactional:A pastor comes to terms with the church’s idols of Trump, money and power
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 30, 2022
With a halting voice, I told my congregation anyway how it felt when I watched would-be insurrectionists carry Bibles and Christian flags into the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, suggesting that their violent overthrow of a democratic election was God-ordained.I felt vulnerable saying these things, but I also trusted that my congregation would listen. We had a shared bond, a shared trust, a shared relationship. I baptized their babies and stood vigil in my clergy collar at the local cemetery as a military band played taps and a veteran’s ashes were laid to rest. I led prayer at the local Memorial Day picnic after rounds were fired into the air, the names of lives lost were read, and children scattered into the street to grab the spent bullets.They knew that I’d marched with clergy for racial justice after George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin just six miles from my home. They hadn’t all liked it very much that their pastor was out there supporting “the Blacks,” as some people put it. But others sent me messages about their Black family members and the racism they’d faced in rural Minnesota. They were glad I was bearing witness on behalf of a Savior who did not come to redeem only white Americans.We’d settled into an uneasy truce, my church and I. They tolerated my NPR and CNN appearances, but they preferred it when I quoted country songs in my sermons and we could joke together about my former career as a sportswriter. Gingerly, we trusted each other, forgave each other, and listened to each other.
A part of me thought the very good Christians of my church’s little rural Midwestern town would take down their Trump flags on their own after the attempted insurrection. I thought they’d see the lives lost at the Capitol, the willful assault on American democracy, the shouts of the n-word at the Capitol police officers from the Trump-supporting rioters, and decide that simply wasn’t the association they wanted to claim any longer.Like I said, I was naive. For many of the good white Christians I knew — not only in my church’s little town but across America, whom I’d interviewed for this book throughout 2018 — and for my dear friends and family members, January 6 was nothing to be ashamed of. Violence had always been necessary to sustain wealth and power for the white ruling class, and violence was also required to sustain the support of the rural white Christians who’d tied their fate to their economic overlords in New York City, California, and DC, with Rs behind their names.
So this happened today:Biden lawyer denies House GOP document requests because the party doesn't yet control committees
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 29, 2022
The document requests covered a series of subjects, from the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the Hunter Biden investigation. The attorney, Richard Sauber, separately informed Republican representatives James Comer from Kentucky and Jim Jordan from Ohio via two letters that their requests do not hold validity since the Republicans currently do not control the Congressional oversight process.
Both Comer and Jordan are front runners to control leading oversight committee positions starting in January, but Sauber let the duo know that they had to wait until then to submit and complete their document requests from the newly Republican-controlled Congress, not as individual requests. Comer and Jordan have publicly stated that a denial of their individual requests would resort in legal actions.Narrator: "Sure they will."
House Republicans have no interest in governing, but that’s nothing new. They want Biden to roll over for their BS and he won’t do it. Lastly: GOP can’t do s^*% if they can’t elect a Speaker.
— Reed Galen (@reedgalen) December 30, 2022
Even as Republicans say they'll move forward as planned, committee investigations will already be hobbled due to the party's speakership fight. McCarthy has delayed elections for contested committee chairs until after the chamber selects who will wield the gavel, preventing some panels from making key decisions on targets and staffing, and the rules of the House dictate no committees can hold hearings or call witnesses until after the speaker is decided.
Those unappointed committee chairs say they’ve worked all this out with McCarthy already. Until McCarthy gets five more votes, that don’t mean jack shit.He doesn't.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) December 30, 2022
LBJ is remembered for the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act (which barely exists anymore and is not likely to be legislatively resurrected soon); and the Vietnam War. The last is why he didn’t run again.“It was a completely politicized, distorted view of American history,” Lichtman said. “That’s really dangerous. As George Orwell said, ‘Who controls the past controls the future.’”
— 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕜 🇺🇦🌻🇺🇸 (@DarickR) December 29, 2022
via @atrupar and @thor_benson
I mean, seriously?Comer: "[George] Santos is off to a fast start, but he's got a long way to go to catch all the lies that Joe Biden has told throughout his political career."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 30, 2022
I still don’t know who Andrew Tate is, but that final panel there has a reveal too. Meaning, if you saw it in a movie, you’d think it was too pat and lazy writing.A downfall in 4 parts.
— Alejandra Caraballo (@Esqueer_) December 29, 2022
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 29, 2022
That was all worth the repetition. And my Crim Law professor from 40 years back is vindicated again: “They don’t catch the smart ones.”i’m actually crying. YES GRETA 🙏🏼
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 29, 2022
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣on reflection, I have to hand it to Musk here. it turns out letting Andrew Tate back on Twitter actually did combat human trafficking
— i bless the rains down in castamere (@Chinchillazllla) December 29, 2022
I deleted a tweet mocking Andrew Tate's arrest because these details of the horrific crimes he is accused of make it clear that this is not a funny story, but a deeply disturbing one for his victims
— Robert Mackey (@RobertMackey) December 30, 2022
Toilet paper? NOBODY’S CLEANING THE TOILETS! 🚽Currently at Twitter:
— kate conger (@kateconger) December 29, 2022
- Seattle office faces eviction
- people are bringing their own toilet paper to work as janitorial services are cut
- workers scrambled to deal with the aftermath of a data center shutdown on Christmas Eve @RMac18@MikeIsaac
Are you new here? Or just woefully ignorant about American political history? I can think of half-a-dozen political figures, national and state (Texas) who ran, and won, with personal histories that didn’t withstand the least scrutiny. All long before Trump was anything but an NYC real estate guy. And that’s just in my lifetime. American political history is full of such clowns.The #GeorgeSantos phenomenon is impt b/c it represents a part of Trumpism that still must be tackled: shamelessness. Trump’s invitation to shamelessness has been received by elected officials,parents who scream at kids who wear masks, or who threaten librarians,lawyers & judges.
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@SIfill_) December 28, 2022
"LOCK ‘EM UP! LOCK ‘EM UP!” (And we do censure, sanction, and even refuse to seat (rarely) elected officials. Like impeachment, it should not be the practice of simple majority rule or transient outrage. Tailgunner Joe was finally censured by the Senate and the voters turned him out. The Republic survived, which is often all you can ask.)The only way to tackle this is to ensure that there are consequences for this conduct - not putting dishonest cops on a “do not call” list, but prosecuting them or removing them frm ofc. Not saying “let the voters decide,” but sanctioning,refusing to seat or censuring electeds.
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@SIfill_) December 28, 2022
Several Trump lawyers face disciplinary proceedings. Kari Lake’s lawyers were sanctioned by the court. Not enough? Hangin’ too good for ‘em?Not simply lamenting the excesses of lawyers who made material misrepresentations to courts or who participated in intimidating election workers, but disciplining and were warranted, disbarring them. So long as there is impunity, we cannot reset.
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@SIfill_) December 28, 2022
They’ll be glad to know you sanctify their suffering.The shameless taunting, gaslighting and doxxing of families whose babies have been murdered in school shootings will be affected by the verdict in the Alex Jones case. That’s why it was important for the families to pursue the case, despite how painful it was.
— Sherrilyn Ifill (@SIfill_) December 28, 2022
<strong>WH Responds To House GOPers Oversight Requests: Try Again When You Actually Have Power</strong> via @TPM
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 29, 2022
Republicans have been forthright for months about their plans to start multiple investigations into various MAGAland grievances — including investigations into Hunter Biden, the Afghanistan pullout, the Biden administration’s immigration policies, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the work of the Jan. 6 Committee — if they flipped the House in the midterms.You never want to sound like Gym Jordan.
I had literally never heard of Andrew Tate until he was murdered by Greta Thunberg this morning.
— Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 (@cmclymer) December 28, 2022
Andrew Tate owned so hard that the word "owned" is trending.
— Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) December 29, 2022
In related Twitter news:BREAKING: Greta Thunberg response to Andrew Tate has been hung in the Louvre.
— Dr Harold News (@DrHaroldNews) December 28, 2022
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 29, 2022
I blame the Fed. Who knew they were going to raise interest rates?great explanation from @c_sidesquid
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 29, 2022
Greta Thunberg still walks free a day after committing murder in open daylight and in front of millions of witnesses. There's no law and order anymore. 😏
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) December 29, 2022
Kari Lake's 'forever coup' is what the future looks like — until we start to see real consequences'What are the consequences?' Trump insists the media stole the election from him in new rant
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 29, 2022
No one’s on TeeVee/the Intertoobs telling you to punch an airline employee in the face for Freedumb.Curious. At the height of the pandemic flyers would smash the face of any flight attendant who dared tell them to wear a mask. Yet during the SW debacle passengers with a right to rage express sympathy for stressed airline staff & disappointment in SW.
— Yonette Joseph (@YonetteJo) December 29, 2022
Consider what is said to you: Love God. If you say to me: Show me whom I am to love, what shall I say if not what Saint John says: No one has ever seen God! But in case you should think that you are completely cut off from the sight of God, he says: God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God. Love your neighbor, then, and see within yourself the power by which you love your neighbor; there you will see God, as far as you are able.
Begin, then, to love your neighbor. Break your bread to feed the hungry, and bring into your home the homeless poor; if you see someone naked, clothe him, and do not look down on your own flesh and blood.
What will you gain by doing this? Your light will then burst forth like the dawn. Your light is your God; he is your dawn, for he will come to you when the night of time is over. He does not rise or set but remains for ever.
In loving and caring for your neighbor you are on a journey. Where are you traveling if not to the Lord God, to him whom we should love with our whole heart, our whole soul, our whole mind? We have not yet reached his presence, but we have our neighbor at our side. Support, then, this companion of your pilgrimage if you want to come into the presence of the one with whom you desire to remain for ever.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) December 29, 2022Oh, no, we’re just getting started:
And worse:fwiw
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 29, 2022
George Santos is the most high-profile Black Jewish Republican since Sammy Davis Jr.
— Eric Columbus (@EricColumbus) December 29, 2022
This is NOT what you want to hear about yourself:Siri, what’s a Jewish-ish name that’s not, well, you know, TOO Jewish?
— Bill Grueskin (@BGrueskin) December 29, 2022
Separately, federal prosecutors in New York are looking into Santos' finances and financial disclosures, CBS News' Pat Milton confirms.
— Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) December 28, 2022
Our full story:
he’s tweeting through it
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 29, 2022
Similarly:Moscow's Musketeers Celebrate Elon Musk Amplifying Medvedev's "Predictions":
— Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) December 28, 2022
☑️"This is an element of manipulation of the people"
☑️"This is an info-diversion in the Western media space"
☑️"Mission accomplished"
Another short trip:I bought a Russian advent calendar. Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out.
— Gary Delaney is on tour now (@GaryDelaney) December 28, 2022
😹😹😹😹😹actual #bestofdyingtwitter 🤌🏼
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 28, 2022
💯!We thought famous for being famous was the lowest form of celebrity but that was before famous for being owned on Twitter.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 28, 2022
Even the article Trump promotes concedes Trump couldn’t win outside the two-party system.Trump promotes article encouraging him to run as third-party candidate if GOP doesn't nominate him
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 28, 2022
Every clip in this thread is truly just bonkers.
— Gabe Fleisher (@WakeUp2Politics) December 28, 2022
Santos says the lies in his résumé — which he calls “embellishments” — are “debatable” and he *would* explain it but it would “go over the heads of the American people.”
I’m seriously wondering if, even in this House, he’ll be allowed to be sworn in. MTG is backing him,"These are blatant lies and it draws into question how your constituents and the American people can believe anything you may say on the floor of the House -- Tulsi Gabbard actually did an impressive job grilling George Santos, who was clearly flustered
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 28, 2022
but unless she can get McCarthy elected Speaker (signs point to “No”), her clout is going to diminish rapidly. And if the GOP degenerates into in-fighting, a moderate Speaker is likely, and tolerance for Santos is…not likely. And his argument that nobody can understand his recondite reasoning? Yeah, not how you win friends and influence people.Marjorie Taylor Greene falsely claimed George Santos is the “first openly gay Republican elected.”
— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) December 27, 2022
Fact check: Steve Gunderson (R-WI), who won re-election in 1994, was first openly gay Republican to be elected to Congress.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) December 27, 2022
How long before he denies he’s even from this planet?🚨 Scoop from @jacobkornbluh: Congressman-elect @Santos4Congress told reporters yesterday that he's "clearly Catholic," but in documents we just uncovered he refers to himself as a "proud American Jew." @gr_ashford @migold @ccampy @KFILE @RJC
— Benyamin Cohen (@benyamincohen) December 27, 2022
"Follow the money.”“While Santos played down the harm done with his claims, first raised in a New York Times story last week, he did not address how his wealth has skyrocketed in the past several years to enable him to lend hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaign.”
— Josh Mankiewicz (@JoshMankiewicz) December 27, 2022
According to George Santos's financial disclosure in 2021 and 2022, each year he made between $1.75 million and $5.75 million in total income. He also had between $1.1 million and $5.25 million in cash in two bank accounts. He was also the full owner of a business he valued ...
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 28, 2022
That discrepancy between the campaign finance statement and the personal finance statement raises a lot of questions.3/ an annual report before being reinstated the day after the original NYT piece was published. His campaign financial report says he loaned his campaign $705,000. But his personal disclosure statement does not list any such loan.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 28, 2022
...proves he really did pay $44 billion to be the world’s biggest internet troll.*“And you have tiny testicles!”
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 28, 2022
The thread is a cogent discussion of First Amendment issues regarding Musk’s assertion the FBI coerced Twitter. You could argue the facts (no evidence, because there isn’t any. Several non-lawyers have shown this, over and over again). Or you could take David’s line, and argue the law.The Twitter files discussion contains so little nuance because it hasn't distinguished different forms of government power. Lots of folks don't know this, but government actors have their own 1A rights even as they're constrained from violating the 1A rights of others. /1
— David French (@DavidAFrench) December 27, 2022
The rest are like this:Almost all of these replies ignore the distinction and problematic boundaries you explain btwn gov’t “jawboning” & coercion, & ignore your explicit disclaimer that current law is too permissive to gov’t. They just equate gov’t speech to private entities as illegal coercion. Alas.
— “E” as in “Erin” (@emlillie) December 27, 2022
This is an absurdly bad take. If a private actor willingly participates with the government to infringe on censorship of American citizens, they are state actors. Everything else you said is just wordy deflection.
— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) December 27, 2022
I nominate this tweet in two year end categories:
— Just the Facts (@jonatha26052632) December 27, 2022
“Largest Intellectual Pretzel”
“Most Obvious Apology for The Regime”
Absurdly wrong and completely off the point. But polite, compared to these.I remember when a public service announcement came on and it would end by saying it was brought to you by “this network and the Ad Council.” That might have been fine.
— David Issa (@servillius) December 27, 2022
The FBI (et. al.) running a covert propaganda campaign involving buying and coercing influence is not that.
this should be up there with things like "whites are inherently better than blacks" in its taboo.
— 219.eth (@219_eth) December 27, 2022
You should be embarrassed for yourself, your family should be embarrassed for you and ashamed of you.
— Janey Mack (@JaneyMackWriter) December 27, 2022
No engagement, no analysis, not even signs of reading comprehension; just “I don’t like this so it’s bad!”I get that you have to publish drivel like this to continue to get a paycheck but good God this is embarrassingly wrong on so many levels.
— Usually Right (@normouspenis) December 27, 2022
The best time to delete this is NOW.
Douchey rich dude who has no real superpowers and who can get his ass kicked by Superman. Checks out ✅
— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) December 27, 2022
No shit, Sherlock.As speech issues continue to dominate the culture war, government officials and laypeople alike keep getting the First Amendment bafflingly wrong.
— reason (@reason) December 24, 2022
When Herod realized he had been duped by the astrologers, he was outraged. He then issued a death warrant for all the male children in Bethlehem and surrounding region two years old and younger. this corresponded to the time [of the star] that he had learned from the astrologers. With this event the prediction made by Jeremiah the prophet came true:Advent and Christmas are seasons steeped in mystery and the whole of the human story, from joy to misery, from peace to pain. We shield our children from these truths, so we can shield ourselves. We pretend God is only about love and peace and our happiness, and complain that the God of Israel is a god of blood and thunder, while the God of Jesus is a god of babies and rainbows. Neither simplicity is true, and the simplicity of the Christmas story, that it begins with the Annunciation to Mary and ends with the angels singing Gloria to the shepherds, is too simple to be true, also. Luke tells one story of the birth, where the power of the state forces the Holy Family to Bethlehem but that power merely fulfills the expectation that the redeemer of the line of David will come from the ancestral home of David. Matthew tells the other story; the story of Herod's fear and insecurity. This is the part of Christmas the world doesn't celebrate. This is the part of Christmas we ignore, for the sake of the children, we tell ourselves; but it's really for our sake. Just as we don't want Advent blighted with the deaths of the innocent, we don't want Christmas spent remembering the Holy Innocents.
'In Ramah the sound of mourning
and bitter grieving was heard:
Rachel weeping for her children.
She refused to be consoled:
They were no more.' " (Matthew 2: 16-18, SV)
For there is a Te Deum sung: 'We praise you, God, we confess you as Lord.' The greatest chant of praise. This is sung by Mary and Joseph, processing through the audience, but they are joined in their song and procession by the animals and the angels, by the shepherds, by the lamenting Rachel and the parents of Bethlehem, and they are joined by the soldiers and their victims and by Herod. Knowing that (Hopkins again)Or, to return to Luke:
we are wound
With mercy round and round. . . .
they all, incarnate God and all creation, even death, tyrants and martyrs, all process and all sing praise. And we sing too, and find ourselves in the procession.
Today we can't imagine it. We take our Christmas with lots of sugar. And take it in a day. Though we've been baptized into his death, we have little time for or patience with how that death is told at Christmas, a death that confuses lament and praise forever. And no wonder we are careful to keep Christmas at an arm's length. What is Herod in these times?--Gabe Huck
And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;Even in Luke's more beautiful, more popular version, we cannot escape it: the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God, and the penetrating mystery at the heart of the season, just as the year begins again.
(Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
Read this sublime essay by @ClareCoffey, in which she lassoes the moon: “There Is No Mary Problem in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’” via @BulwarkOnline
— Dan Barry (@DanBarryNYT) December 27, 2022
Yeah, that's telling her!tbh only a person completely bereft of serviceable mental faculties could describe @Olivianuzzi as "unattractive" and "dumb"
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 27, 2022
FAKE NEWS!"He [said] 'I’ve done nothing wrong' 9x in 30 min. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong."
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 26, 2022
Trump never said that, so it can’t be true.The full quote is better:
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 26, 2022
"'He just goes, plays golf, comes back, and fucks off. He has retreated to the golf course and to Mar-a-Lago,' one adviser said. 'His world has gotten much smaller. His world is so, so small.'"
Trump never said that, either. More fake news."𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘸? And 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭? And 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮? Few people are certain of the answers. 'It seems like a joke,' said one ex–Trump loyalist, a former White House official."
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 26, 2022
More stuff Trump never said! And those sources don’t exist, because Trump said so."'Here’s a person who is so untethered … and there were always weird people around him, but the more the normal people disappeared, and all he’s surrounded by are the cuckoo birds,' the official trailed off. … 'I think he was probably whatever his version of depressed is.'"
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 26, 2022
Heh."There, he meets regularly with an impressive, ideologically diverse range of policy wonks, diplomats, and political theorists for conversations about the global economy and military conflicts and constitutional law and I’m kidding. He goes there to play golf."
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 26, 2022
Empirically true. Both of them. But it’s all fake news because she’s unattractive. While Trump is often mistaken for Tom Cruise.lmao @Olivianuzzi
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 26, 2022
Trump rambles that he has 'total immunity' from any kind of prosecution
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 27, 2022
Very interesting, because until recently the political Hacks and Thugs of the highly partisan January 6th Unselect Committee were seldom talking about your favorite President, me, as it related to the PROTEST on Election Fraud. NUMBER ONE, as President, I have total Immunity. Number two, I did nothing wrong. Then the Committee members, mostly the same sleaze that pushed the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, started saying that “Trump” did it. Even Shifty Schiff got into the act again. SAD!!!"Trump has cracked and lost his mind. Because no, he doesn’t have immunity. And he did many things wrong. Put simply, if he did have immunity, DOJ wouldn’t bother investigating him.
20 weeks now, and still no sign of a defense
— George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) December 27, 2022
— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) December 27, 2022
Shot. Chaser.Elon Musk To Cut Twitter Staff To Single Devoted Hunchback Who Laughs Hysterically At All Of Boss’s Genius Tweets
— The Onion (@TheOnion) December 26, 2022
can someone at twitter smell him for me
— pudding person (@JUNlPER) December 27, 2022
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 27, 2022Haha 💯
Or, you know, the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and Twitter setting an example of “hard-core” by … trolling.Remind me again the current and projected future US government reliance on SpaceX for launch capacity?
— Pete Strzok (@petestrzok) December 27, 2022
Or, you know, not. Besides, it doesn’t take into account AI or alternative energy. Or cobalt mining in the Republic of Congo. AI and alternative energy will solve that, too. I
— Best of Dying Twiter (@bestofdyingtwit) December 27, 2022
My son-in-law is an engineer who knows a lot about cars. He wouldn’t have a Tesla as a gift. He knows more about it than I do, so I defer to him on the subject.My son, who is a software engineer, just told me that people who know software just had their Elon Musk realization.
— B Graham Disciple (@bgrahamdisciple) December 26, 2022
I think Paul Simon was closer to it (“A man hears what he wants to hear…”), but the fundamental truth is, reasoning is hard and if it leads you to decide everything in the paper is wrong (it probably is), more than a little disturbing. That logic can destroy your ability to function. How do you know anything is true unless you learn everything about everything for yourself?Gell-Mann Amnesia
— Second Breakfast (@nick__whip) December 26, 2022
Elno physically attacking a Twitter server was accurately foretold by The Onion
— Heidi N. Moore (@moorehn) December 25, 2022
When you’re playing out stories from “The Onion,” well…
54 When they heard these things, they became enraged and ground their teeth at Stephen. 55 But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” 57 But they covered their ears, and with a loud shout all rushed together against him. 58 Then they dragged him out of the city and began to stone him; and the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59 While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he died. (Acts 7:54-60)
The carol was written for the Feast of St Stephen, better known as Boxing Day. And it celebrates the long tradition of charitable giving on the Second Day of Christmas.
Duke, martyr, and patron of Bohemia, born probably 903; died at Alt-Bunzlau, 28 September, 935.There's a surprising amount of death on the Christian calendar after the celebration of the birth of the Christ-child. It's almost a reminder that "peace on earth, goodwill toward" all, is not so much a gift as a hope that we have some part in. But our part is active, not just passive.
His parents were Duke Wratislaw, a Christian, and Dragomir, a heathen. He received a good Christian education from his grandmother (St. Ludmilla) and at Budweis. After the death of Wratislaw, Dragomir, acting as regent, opposed Christianity, and Wenceslaus, being urged by the people, took the reins of government. He placed his duchy under the protection of Germany, introduced German priests, and favoured the Latin rite instead of the old Slavic, which had gone into disuse in many places for want of priests. Wenceslaus had taken the vow of virginity and was known for his virtues. The Emperor Otto I conferred on him the regal dignity and title. For religious and national motives, and at the instigation of Dragomir, Wenceslaus was murdered by his brother Boleslaw. The body, hacked to pieces, was buried at the place of murder, but three years later Boleslaw, having repented of his deed, ordered its translation to the Church of St. Vitus in Prague. The gathering of his relics is noted in the calendars on 27 June, their translation on 4 March; his feast is celebrated on 28 September.
No woke Santa here.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 24, 2022