Wednesday, December 04, 2019

"There's Always A Tweet!"

This really needs to start there.  Then we go to "hard news" Twitter first:
Apparently no one was quite ready to accept a 70 year old world leader was throwing a temper tantrum and leaving the party early because he wasn't "Most Popular."
Don't bog down in what "voters" Trump won, or why; the problem is, he has the emotional maturity of a three year old.
Yes, his supporters may think this is another feather in Trump's cap, but when only about 40% of the public think Trump's job is approvable (not the same thing as support), and almost 50% think he should be impeached and removed from office (hardly the same thing as support at all), it's kind of hard to care what "supporters" think of an international embarrassment like this.
Extra points for the reference to FDR.
Coincidence, or correlation?
Actually, causal chain.
Um, sure; because Trump is known to be that subtle.
Plausible deniability is implausible.
I suppose it's better than:  "You're all just a bunch of big meanies!"
And frankly, Trump taking his ball and going home in a sulk shouldn't overshadow this, although it probably will:

And why are we surprised?

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