Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Who Will Be Listening?

How as it even an error?  If this is a violation of the privacy of a minor, any mention of the names of the minor children of a POTUS (the "First Family" has a special claim to public attention no other political family does) in any news report or even Wikipedia-type web site, is equally a "violation of privacy."

Which is fine, if we're going to apply it, but I can remember John McCain and Rush Limbaugh making jokes about Chelsea Clinton when she was in the White House (and a minor).  Is this retroactive, or only applicable to GOP Presidents going forward?  And if this is an "error," what are the confessions that Trump and his staff have made about his activities in the White House?  Peccadillos?  Hearsay?  "Get over it"?

Please.  The only error here, is thinking this error has any importance.


  1. They'll try their best to make it into something. It is one of the harder lessons of this whole thing how when people have no sense of morality they have not sense of the truth and everything becomes a matter of pushing and forcing the adoption of conventionalized lines of nonsense. I am convinced that beneath it all is an abandonment of any morality, the way the "evangelicals" can support the beast of the apocalypse as president.

  2. Explains it as well as anything else, and better than most.
