Thursday, June 03, 2021

If He Were Fixated On Venus Rising In Sagittarius,,,, would have the same effect on reality.  Indeed, you could exhange "ballot audits" with "chicken entrails" or frog croaks down in the pond or thickness of the hairs on wooly caterpillars, and you'd have a better presentation of how much effect Trump is likely to soon have on American democracy.

Nobody read his f*ckin' blog; why should we give any more attention to this?

"One clip that circulated widely in some Telegram groups was part of an interview Trump gave to OAN in May," said the report. "In a response to a question about a potential 2024 candidacy, Trump said that 'something has to be done' before 2022 to stop the Democratic agenda. 'He doesn't have to wait until 2024 people, he's coming back this year, everything is going to be reversed,' one Telegram user commented on the clip. 'It's a great day when we start seeing evidence of the plan coming together! He just told us it won't be long now,' wrote another."
The FBI and law enforcement generally should pay attention to this, yes.  As I said before, who knew the Governor of Minnesota (or was it Michigan?  I really should look that one up; memory is the second thing to go, I can't remember what the first thing is....) was under threat of kidnapping until the FBI announced arrests?  OTOH, how close did they get to actually carrying out such a hair-brained scheme? Yes, the FBI was right to arrest them; but did that mean violence was imminent, just because they were all talking a lot?

Let us all remember Jan. 6 happened because Trump went before the crowd and urged them on, after urging them to be there in the first place.  Is Trump going to pay for the rally on the Capitol grounds next time?  Yeah, right.  Is he going to organize it and make an appearance?  Is Trump shooting his mouth off "evidence of the plan coming together"?  Aren't these some of the same peope who thought the "plan" was coming together when Trump held a big rally on the Mall around July 4, and John Kennedy Jr. failed to unveil himself and start arresting pedophiles?

I'm sorry, I find it impossible to take these people seriously, and an even bigger waste of energy to worry about them.  We have excellent professionals who do that for a living.  I will leave it to them.  My being aware of it or stone ignorant of it is not going to make it happen or not happen, anyway. It's rather like people breathlessly wondering when and where and how Trump or Giuliani will be indicted.  It will happen when it happens.  Mostly I trust news reports to misunderstand and misinterpret what lawyers and law enforcement officials are telling them.  Or not telling them, as well.

In another exchange triggered by Trump's endorsement of the GOP-led Arizona ballot "audit," one commenter said, "It's going to be a very interesting time in our country. How do you govern when you lost?" And another said, "We The People will take action."

The first question actually applies to Trump, and he provides the answer too: he isn’t governing, because he lost.  That's how it works. As for the second statement: You go first; the rest of us are right behind you.  Along with the FBI, so smile for the cameras; makes it much easier to find you later.

I mean, even the Raw Story article sums up why "Q" fanatics are not likely to ever do anything:

The QAnon conspiracy theory posits that the United States is run by a secret group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who drink the blood of trafficked children. It has been intertwined deeply with Trump since its inception, with many believing Trump was going to order mass arrests of Democrats involved with the conspiracy, and some believing Trump will be restored to power shortly.

Trump will "be restored to power shortly," and then he'll "order mass arrests of Democrats," and then:  the Millenium!  Or the Age of Aquarius, take your pick.  But why do they need to do anything?  It'll all be done for them!  Because Trump is clearly Amanda B. Reckondwith, and...

I yield back the balance of my time.

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