Sunday, December 11, 2022

Never Further Than Twitter

A brief detour to once again point out the obvious. This one deserves to never get past Twitter. Yeah, put the clam down... 

And, of course, the old standard: “LOCK ‘EM UP!”
Sorry. You can’t fix stupid. It’s like, a law, or something. Well, yeah; for people already on Twitter. And just a few of them.  Yes, I’m repeating myself with this tweet. But it fits the topic, and provides your weekly reminder that Tom Fitton is not a lawyer, but he plays at being one on Twitter. Also, while I’m on the subject of Professor Vladeck, an object lesson in why you don’t argue on Twitter: Also why Twitter is never going to be a major political influence, especially when it’s overrun by people like that; or this: "Legacy media” dies without Twitter or Facebook? I choose: πŸ˜‚  Except nobody not already following this on Twitter knows anything about it. Something that bothers Aaron more than it bothers me.* The people upset by the Twitter Files are a subset of the people paying enough attention to Twitter to have an opinion about it.

When do we come to grips with the fact that just because it’s on social media doesn’t mean the whole world is watching? Or needs to be.

*Not that Aaron us wrong. The NYT in its “objectivity” is being deliberately obtuse: Yeah, really hard to tell where Elon stands. Really, really hard.

1 comment:

  1. Simple point: Election interference by foreign governments is unlawful. « Election interference » by Americans in American elections is participation. We want it.

    2. Content restrictions by private publishing entities cannot be violations of the first amendment. Twitter is obviously a private entity because a rich twit bought it. His new content restrictions can’t violate the first amendment either.
