Saturday, October 19, 2024

Almost Tempted

I’m a sucker for a Reinhold Niebuhr reference.

1 comment:

  1. Both Reinhold and Richard have been referenced in my Christian Ethics readings. I've decided to read Richard Niebuhr's The Responsible Self as an extra text and use it my final paper to discuss a Realism ethical approach to a modern topic. I'm going to use the recent Italian law criminalizing seeking surrogacy even in countries where it is legal as the focus. It's got a lot of facets, the topic raises economic disparities between the women hired and those seeking surrogates. The law was intended to oppress traditionally marginalized groups, LGBTQ+ couples, single women and so on. Sex, rights to procreate, motivations of those both seeking and offering surrogacy and more. If the paper is poor it will be my fault not the subject.
