Tuesday, October 01, 2024


 Power is out at Chez Adventus (work in the area, shouldn’t be long, small 🍺), and I’m randomly reading the news/tweets. It seems Grandpa Shouty is loose again:

🤷🏻‍♂️  Pretty sure the education caused the student loans. And between “what they want” and “what we want” and “what [he] get[s],” even with my education, I’m just full blown gonzo confused. 🫤  Is this why he thinks tariffs are good? Because he’s unstuck in time? Nobody did; never happened. Grandpa needs his meds. Says the convicted felon facing two more criminal trials he can only escape by becoming POTUS and directing his AG to dismiss all charges. 🎶 “Cherish is a word I use to describe…🎶…well, not Trump. (I’m glad Midwestern towns where I have family and not become urban hellscapes. That’s reassuring.) Trump reportedly never exercised because he believed he was born with a certain store of energy, and using it in exercise would shorten his life. He seems to be running out anyway. He’s also repeating himself: (Not being “woke” means they’re gonna be openly racist. Just so we’re clear on what he’s saying.)  That line must be in his teleprompter, because he’s been repeating it since last week. He’s certainly not sounding any zippier when he’s supposedly free to speak his mind. And speaking of repeating himself: Yes it was large; and devastating. But this is mid-season, predictable for the massive heat build up early in the year that had to dissipate (essentially what hurricanes do). There are two months of “hurricane season” to go. November hurricanes are not unknown, and frankly are likely this year. That ocean is still very hot.🥵  Except the predictions of global warming are proving true. Does he mean where he is? Not in Florida? Because it is late summer; although where I am, September was hotter and drier than August. "The hat”? Does he think he’s at Hogwarts? "Call the app”? I guess we still don’t know what apps are? "Everything You Know Is Wrong!” was funnier when the Firesign Theater did it. You just know he wants to say “deepest, darkest Africa,” but it’s too many syllables. The way he cut Twitter’s value by almost 80%? His co-investors are certainly feeling that. (This is a press conference?!? 🫨) He goes for the “I” states because…well, it’s his favorite word. How would you do either one? And considering the success the campaign has had outsourcing GOTV to the PACs ( hint: none)… Ummmm… 🤨 They are “public schools” for a reason. And parents don’t run them because few have the time, or ability, to home school. And why is he so obsessed with his monolingualism? Is it because he has a vocabulary of about 800 words? Neither statement is believable. Not makes any sense. Which is the only believable thing about them (consider the source). He was responsible for the Abraham Accords. Is he already denying that? Or has he already forgotten?

“Trump Critiques Biden/Harris Middle East Policy.” The headline somewhere tomorrow. We can’t believe you got elected, either. Or that you’re the candidate of a major political party for the third time. You’ll be a private citizen who needs all his money to pay the lawyers for your criminal trials and your 5 pending appeals. Who cares what you think? DO NOT TOUCH THE BUBBLE! 😝 (And yes, it was Iran…) Suckers and losers. “GIVE THIS MAN THE NUCLEAR FOOTBALL NOW!,” said no one, ever. Okay. We’re done here. Because that’s all I can cope with, and more than I meant to post. I’ve done my duty as I see fit. According to Albert Alligator, that’s all a citizen can do.

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