Friday, August 09, 2019

Yeah....hard "No." As In "Never gonna happen."

“I don’t think he cares about it morally. I don’t think he cares about it as policy and I don’t think he cares in any way about the victims of the shootings,” he said.

What is perfectly clear to any sentient being who has been paying attention for the last four years:

“He looks at this very narrowly he likes the fact the NRA came out for him early, when he began running — he mentioned it again on the White House lawn today. He sees it as a matter of loyalty and nothing else. He realizes the NRA has essentially become the piggy bank of the GOP, giving exclusively to Republican candidates and officeholders, he likes that about them,” he continued.

What is perfectly clear to anyone who doesn't work in the White House:

“When you ask me to explain the organization in his mind, there is no organization. Inside his mind there’s a putter, a cheeseburger, someone else’s credit card and a porn video and the rest of it is just an empty space where he’s figuring out how he can occupy center stage and meet these other needs he has that are very self-centered and self-involved,” he suggested. “He’s not sophisticated about policy. He’s never thought it through.”

Again, to any sentient person who's been paying attention since the '90's:

“There’s a possibility NRA lacks the muscles to flex that they once did. But I’m very pessimistic about the idea that Mitch McConnell is going to suddenly step back and Donald Trump will suddenly see the light and the NRA will be inconsequential,” O’Brien said. “This is money and guns. It’s not a moral issue for the people who need to change it.”

Or since Trump took office:

“Is Donald Trump afraid of the NRA?” Wallace asked.

“Donald Trump coddles the NRA. Donald Trump loves the NRA. Donald Trump has no reason to be afraid of it because he sees them as an ally,” O’Brien replied. “At the end of the day his policies are going to be lined up with the NRA’s.”

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