Sunday, October 13, 2019

Of pearls and hurricanes

I was going to count up the scriptures that reference the alien, widow, and orphan, and throw in the parable of the sheep and the goats for good measure. Get all Biblical on Barr's ass, in other words.

Pearls before swine, I realized. Barr was plumping Trump for the "Value Voter's Summit, a Family Research Council confab, and as big a confabulation as can be imagined. Those people are impervious to the word of God, as they are convinced they ARE the word of God. That they want to hear from Trump is proof enough there us no good in them. Rick Wilson's experience is my experience, only from the pulpit and the pew, not the focus group; and the White from Trump reveals he is both brainless and flailing, spewing words like a science fiction robot run amok before it stops working completely.

This pseudo-Biblical ranting is going to continue, but it will be as effective as an umbrella against a hurricane. The word of God is not mocked, either, though it is often misrepresented and seldom clearly heard. There is still a lot to be said for the still, small voice. It speaks even during the hurricane, and does prevail against it, if only by still being effective after it.


  1. This is what comes of the disappearing of liberal Christians in the American media, they are the real Christians who have been under attack, not these Mammon worshipers holding Bibles and conduct TV show pantomimes of worship for profit.

    We were apparently thinking of the same thing, early this morning, again.

  2. I saw yours right after posting this. Kind of wish I'd waited.
