Friday, July 10, 2020

A Long, Long Time

Trump does not have "superpowers" via lying or distraction.  His "power" is that the President is not that important to the daily lives of 95% (or more) of Americans.  That is, until there is a national crisis and, like Rome of old, we look to to "diktator" to take extraordinary powers to save the republic.  Even the Governor of Texas, one of the weakest governorships in the Union, has the power to close businesses or make us all wear masks in this crisis.  We expect government to take charge and take control.  And when it doesn't, or can't, or both, as in the case of Trump, we notice.   We notice because our daily, lived reality is so at odds with what the President says, we can't help but notice.  We also notice because he is absolutely useless as the head of the Administration, which clearly couldn't administer putting out a campfire, much less the 5 alarm blaze that is public health in America today.


Six months after the virus began to scorch its way across the planet, it is becoming clear that COVID-19 causes far more symptoms than first suspected.

Thousands of people of all ages are staying sick for weeks or even months.


Reality: the President of the United States is a blithering idiot, and a clear and present danger.  But nothing will be done about him until January 20, 2021.  We really will be living with the results of his incompetence for a long, long time.

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