Monday, July 06, 2020

Doesn't He Have Something To Do?

15 tweets (I skipped the one where he retweeted himself; too meta) in 9 hours.  Global deaths from coronavirus is 535,498 as I type.  U.S. deaths total 132,828.  That's about 1/4 of all the deaths on the planet.  How that is the "lowest Fataility (Mortality) Rate in the World" is beyond me.  Then again, Trump is absolutely innumerate, so it doesn't matter.  My rule of thump for Trump continues to apply:  every word he says is a lie, including "and" and "the."  There's no point in fact-checking him.  The burden is on him to say something that isn't a lie.

And that's absolutely all he has to say about it anyway.  Three tweets lying about the mortality rate in America; one lying about drug treatments for the disease.  One-fourth of his output today, and none of it useful to the country.  The other 3/4th is dribble.  Well, at least none of it is an EO.

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