Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Even Sweden?

I don't know if, or when, Sweden modified their "let's rely on herd immunity!" policy, but I have a memory that they did at some point.  And still, they only have 57 new cases?

What the F**#@! are we doing wrong?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been keeping up with Sweden so I don't know maybe they're benefiting from the countries around them not being so Darwinian in their response to the pandemic. Maybe individual Swedes have been more responsible than the government. Disillusionment with the romanticized view of Sweden as a land of sweet reason is one of the things that came with online fact checking, the Julian Assange affair was a factor in that,on all sides. It strikes me as a lot more screwed up than the semi-socialist propaganda had it though not as lunatic as the capitalist-fascist side presented it as being. We're doing the capitalist-fascist thing wrong.
