Thursday, July 02, 2020

He Cracks Like an Egg?

Seriously, the guy doesn't have the wherewithal to mount even a decent government scandal.  He flounders around trying to make "deals" with foreign leaders who laugh at him behind his back or are now ignoring him entirely.  His only support is in the Senate, where McConnell wants as many judges appointed as possible, and doesn't give a shit what else Trump does.  The Border Patrol is white supremacists enough to do his bidding on the border, but a federal judge just shut that down, and his border wall is stalled, too (which he only managed because McConnell wants judges).  He has  had four years to learn how the machinery of government works, and he tried to invoke the Defense Production Act by tweeting "INVOKE P!"  Which he later had to explain to everyone.  He's going to be reduced to having nothing on his daily schedule, watching cable TV and clutching his cell phone, and spending weekends playing golf where his staff can't reach him.

(Did it occur to nobody that a President who can't be reached during the day is a major threat to national security, and North Korea is now aware of that? Is his entire Administration so incompetent that's the best story they can come up with?)

Gonna be plenty of blame to go around when this goes pear-shaped, but I'm not confident the right people (McConnell, to start with) will get their share of that blame.  But as for Trump cracking and pushing "the button," that simply ain't gonna happen.  He doesn't have the balls for doing more than firing a cruise missile at a country that can't retaliate against us.  He may be pscyopathic and narcisstic, but he's not that delusional.

The most likely outcome is that the 25th Amendment proves to be a useless addition to the Constitution.  Oh, and a landslide election in November of Nixonian proportions (where Trump plays the role of McGovern).

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