Sunday, September 13, 2020

Does It Matter What We Call Him?

You know, at this point fascism is starting to look a lot like pathological narcissism. It’s an arguable point. But since Trump has been wholly incapable any kind of government response to the pandemic crisis (he’s not acting maliciously, he’s incapable of making government work. That’s my thesis and I’m sticking to it.), he has no response to losing re-election except insisting it cannot happen.

Trump’s ego (or narcissism, if you prefer to be less Freudian) has been damaged by Woodward’s book, but the stories from 3 years back were about how his father taught him to hate losing. Trump cannot accept losing the election; that is not the same thing as plotting a coup. Barr may be willing to challenge the courts (even as he loses) or try to pull a Comey (although Biden has nothing to do with the Mueller report, and Trump’s fanatics already believe in the Deep State.). Nothing Barr announces from Durham have any effect on the election. It will just salve Trump’s ego, temporarily. Barr knows Trump can’t block the vote in Nevada (you know Trump wants to now). Barr knows Trump can’t challenge the results because he doesn’t like them. Trump isn’t thinking of what he can do, or can’t. Trump is rejecting the idea that he is a loser. And he will never accept it.

That’s all that matters to him. It will not matter to anyone else. Not the states, not the courts, not the electoral college. If Trump tries to sue in multiple states and the GOP funds it, they can kiss their ass goodbye. Trump will never spend his own money on that. The DOJ won’t represent him. Trump’s gonna need support in the states. Real support, not yahoos on motorbikes. And he’s not gonna find it.

He’s pretty much coming unraveled. That’s not a winning strategy for a fascist.

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