Sunday, September 13, 2020

Running as Hard As He Can the opposite direction from reality.

This is not a man preparing to challenge the vote in 50 courts in 50 states.  This is not a man prepared to challenge the Constitution itself.

"Negotiate"?  Negotiate with what, the Constitution itself?

Trump is not about to challenge democracy.  Trump is fleeing reality.

"Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality."

--T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton

Trump cannot bear any reality.  He's never really been bankrupt; casinos and companies with his name on them have, but never Donald Trump personally.  The Presidency is personal.  Trump can't avoid the stain of "loser" if he isn't re-elected.  He can't bear it, either.  He truly is unfit for office.

Or with him as a threat to the Republic?  He's unfit; but he's not Augustus, about to be crowned Emperor, or Napoleon, about to crown himself.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose, given how my insistence on not jinxing things has worked about as well as jinxing them, I should be nervous about this, but I guess a lifetime of habit is hard to break. I do worry about how his most rabid cultists are going to react to him losing. The media I have no doubt about, they'll go back to their enabling normal about as fast as they did after 9-11. I remember, the Friday after it happened, listening to "Beat The Press" on WGBH in Boston, Emily Rooney and three of her regulars were all "Oh, this is going to change everything." Only Callie Crossley said, Nope, in six months it will be like it never happened. And she was the one who was right. The media is only as responsible as they are forced to be.
