Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Mole People Look Below Their Feet to See William Barr

"You know, putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history," Barr said as a round of applause came from the crowd.

That whole Jim Crow, you can't eat here/sleep here/pee here/go to school here/vote here (or anywhere) century was not as bad as telling white people to stay home and not infect each other, the hospitals are FULL!

Not to mention the Vietnam draft (go to school or go to war, young man!).  Drug laws.  Anti-miscegenation laws (which were criminal violations; same-sex marriage was just not permitted as a matter of law).  I could go on.

Nothing as bad as inconveniencing white people.  And money.

Got it.  No, really, I got it.

Barr also attacked the Black Lives Matter movement, saying that while he agreed Black lives matter, “They’re not interested in Black lives. They’re interested in props, a small number of Blacks who are killed by police during conflicts with police — usually less than a dozen a year — who they can use as props to achieve a much broader political agenda.”
Less than a dozen a year killed!  What's the big deal!  You lose more hair than that in the shower in the morning, amirite?  And the ones who are harassed and shot and imprisoned and harried out of stores and accused!  Well, they ain't dead, are they?!?!

It's less than a dozen a year.  Nothin' to even be bothered.  And they all died in "conflicts" with the police!  Prob'ly had it comin'!  Right?!

Barr knows this is his swan song.  Might as well go out with his racist colors flying, right?

1 comment:

  1. If he is not disbarred the legal profession is as bad as he is. That it took till he was almost dead to disbar Trumps first Roy Cohn should have been seen as the same thing, I think that Barr being such a disgrace in his work for Bush I should have been enough to do it, his drafting of Daddy Bush's self-saving pardons of the criminals in his inner circle should have been enough. That pardon power is in serious need of change because the use of it to cover-up criminality by presidents didn't start with Trump. That is among the dumbest things they put in the Constitution, they should never have granted that kind of power based on the honors system because there was a serious lack of honor among them and honor is hardly a reliable thing among the powerful and rich who typically get power. Barr should be investigated for crimes they should start as soon as possible, I'd start as soon as the oath is taken, that is if Barr, DeJoy and a host of Republicans in state offices don't throw the election to continue their gang activity.
