Wednesday, January 06, 2021


Something's gotta be done. Just approving the EC vote is not enough anymore. How much more unfit does he have to prove himself? Not to mention the legislatures have already sent their choices to Congress. Military Police are under the command of the Commander-in-Chief. EOD. "Because the POTUS/C-in-C is missing in action, in absentia, out to lunch, non compos mentis, not answering his phone, incapable or unwilling to do his job, no longer functioning as President.  But remain calm; all is well." Now Trump is making me think better of George W. Bush. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!! Actually, that's the real outrage.


  1. That is the real outrage. McConnell and the rest of the senior leadership own this as much (or in some ways more) than Trump. Every time they denied a judge a hearing and a vote, they fed the base the story that no Democrat could ever have legitimate power. Every time they glided over the dog whistle racism, looked the other way, pandered to the worst, they fed the fire that was in evidence today.
