Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Try As I Might…

Didn’t we just do this in January?

…I cannot reconcile these two things. This seems about right for MAGA:

Republicans might give power to a man who voted against MLK holiday twice, spoke at a David Duke event, and voted against a resolution apologizing for slavery. A Speaker Steve Scalise will only confirm what we all know about the MAGA Republican Party: It's home to bigots and racists.
Scalise voted against the state of Louisiana apologizing for slavery because it was really all about him:
"Why are you asking me to apologize for something I didn’t do and had no part of? ...I am not going to apologize for what somebody else did.”
It all sounds perfectly Trumpian to me; but apparently, not perfect enough.
Many [MAGAts] were furious about the backroom nature of the vote, although the entire conference was there, solidifying MAGA paranoia about "the swamp" making secret deals behind closed doors. Many said they were "done with the GOP."
Promises, promises.
Scalise won the conference vote 113-99. 
MAGA Republican Jim Jordan, who had received Trump's endorsement for Speaker and was clearly the MAGA favorite, had asked for unanimity before bringing the vote to the full floor of the House. The conference opted instead to go with a majority vote nomination, meaning how Reps will actually vote on the House floor is still up in the air.
Translation: Jordan swings no clout and the conference wants this over with because with Israel and Hamas fighting, the House GOP has just now realized they’re on the world stage. Like it or not.

And now they get to vote in public. That’ll be fun:


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