Thursday, April 18, 2024

Can You Start With A Definition…

...of “free speech” that the courts would recognize? And then explain just exactly what the fuck you mean by “signature campaign”?

Because you might as well be promising to protect Mom, America, and Apple Pie. (From what?, I might add. That’s why the definition is important. What are we supposed to give you credit for?) And “signature campaign”? Last one of those I remember was “Hands Across America,” where people were supposed to join hands from sea to shining sea. When it became clear that wasn’t going to work, they opted for rolls of butcher paper with hand prints and signatures.

And it still wasn’t enough.

What, exactly, are you putting your money into, and how will we know you reached your goal?

For a guy we were repeatedly told was “smart,” you really don’t show it.

1 comment:

  1. Billionaires can hire people to fake smart for them, PR campaigns have done it before for far less money. I'm always reading that people like Asimov, Sagan and Neil Degrasse Tyson are geniuses. Hell, I've even read that Bill Nye is.
