Wednesday, October 02, 2024


What brings it down this time? A looney ranting in Florida as he gives Jack Smith even more evidence for a conviction? The last time this guy tried to challenge democracy, he was the sitting POTUS. 3 years later 1400 of his followers dumb enough to believe him have been prosecuted, 900 of those convicted.

And we’re still here.

TFG has two active criminal prosecutions to defend, one criminal appeal, and three civil appeals. He’s already running his campaign on a shoestring because he needs the money for lawyers. Where’s the money to hire lawyers for 60 failing lawsuits like Giuliani keeps filing?
The underlying claim that formulates the request is based upon pure speculation and abject conjecture," Cohen wrote. "He alleges not one scintilla of information that would support this claim."
Words that could have come from any of the 60 cases TFG & Friends brought 4 years ago.

And we’re still here.

You weren’t around for the’60’s, were you, Peter? Don’t know much about the Civil War, or the Great Depression? Not even the War of 1812? Brits burned the White House during that one. What’s Trump gonna burn if he doesn’t get his way in November? A Tesla? Classified documents he never gave back?
Trump stained the Presidency, but in terms of threats to the Republic, he’s not even on the radar. George Wallace and Curtis LeMay were a bigger danger in 1968.

Get a clue.

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