Monday, October 07, 2024

“Three Generations Of Imbeciles…”

Eugenics started in Europe, made its way to England, where it undergirded the “superiority” of whites over non-whites for the sake of the empire, then made its way to America where it was written into law, which gave the Nazis their blueprint for new German laws.

Which caused Europe and America to erase all memory of eugenics, and label what they had embraced, “pseudo-science.”

Don’t get me started….

Trump’s embrace of it is hardly surprising. I find that, as people age, they become more and more nakedly, who they are. Children play with identity, especially in play. Adolescents struggle with it, as they move to take on adulthood. Young adults argue with themselves, determined not to be their parents. In some ways it is inevitable that they do; in other ways, they make their own choices. But as disinhibition grows (Trump’s public profanity is an example), the cover erodes and the base material appears.

Trump has always been a white supremacist. Openly embracing eugenics is just part of his disinhibition. Time to remember the President is a diplomatic role, as well as servant of all Americans. Trump is not, and has never been, fit for either.

He’s not getting worse. His disqualifications are just getting more obvious.
It’s cute that he thinks Trump and Stephen Miller haven’t already done that.

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