Saturday, January 01, 2005

To begin the New Year aright....

I realise that one of the reasons I am so hot about this is that Christian fundamentalism has sold itself so successfully to the general population, who either become adherents or are so repulsed by its naiveté that it becomes even more difficult to present an orthodox view. Fundamentalist churches may be thriving now but they are in the process of alienating that part of the population that takes the time to think. This means that the Church is pushed further into the sidelines of the culture of the intellect where it is desperately needed.

The conclusion. The beginning is here.

And my thanks to all of you. It's my pleasure and privilege to be a part of your community, of faith or compassion or decency or even common humanity. My church had a phrase for it (many claim it, so I don't know where it originates): "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, diversity; in all things, charity."

Good words to start the New Year with, also.

Happy New Year to you all.

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