Thursday, April 02, 2020

Once Seen...

It can't be unseen.

The GOP is beholden to Trump; that much is clear.  Why, is the question.  I'm not much for grand theories which explain everything, especially when those theories are simple.  But this one, which I'll have time to discuss later, is making me tie things together and make sense of current events, even of Trump's grotesque incompetence.  The argument is that the GOP under Trump is no longer a political party, but a separatist movement.  I don't have time to go into the details of that argument; but these tweets seems to fit perfectly.  The basic argument is this:

The common view is that the Republicans are so partisan they are willing to follow Trump to hell. But that explanation is unsatisfying. Partisanship is one thing. Surrendering to the enemy is another. That, to me, explains why Ted Cruz said, “If we call John Bolton, I promise you, we are calling Hunter Biden.” Cruz isn’t voicing ordinary partisanship so much as the political desperation of a suicide bomber.

I said yesterday the Republican Party is best understood as an insurrection. Perhaps “separatist movement” is a better phrase. That would communicate the binary thinking of the Republican value system. There are two, separate but not equal.

Tell me that doesn't explain today's news better than anything else, especially McConnell's announcement that the only concern the Senate has for the future is judicial appointments.

Because, you know, people with real expertise have no fucking clue.

Oddly, it's not Jared I'm worried about.

There; that's the problem.

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