Sunday, November 01, 2020

He Really, Truly Doesn't Give A Shit About His Supporters

Meanwhile, Obama does it with a mask on. What legal case do they think this makes? No court in the land is going to rule that all ballots not reported on TeeVee by midnight EST are invalid and uncountable. Even the Supreme Court will give them until December 14th. Speaking of which, I read recently the GOP had banked $20 million to fight lawsuits over ballots around the country. Really? Where does the money go?


  1. I suspect a lot of it will go with Trump family members to other countries as soon as they can take it on the lam. It's good that Baron can speak Slovenian, I suspect he's going to be seeing a lot of it in the future.

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that "funding through December 14" stunt on the website is a naked attempt to milk the donors for all their worth before Trump drops all legal efforts (that date is the one relied on in Bush v. Gore to end the Florida recount and the race in 2000) and gets ready to run. Wonder if Putin will house him next to Snowden?
