Friday, March 12, 2021

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

One of these things just doesn't belong.

And it’s not that Greenwald isn’t really a “journalist” (he isn’t), but that Twitter is not a newspaper (even the media had no Constitutional or legal obligation to cover Trump every time he tweeted or spoke) and the “Hunter Biden” story stank of pumpkins stuffed with microfilm.* 

And as long as we’re in the land of using words as loosely as possible, is Politifact a journalistic endeavor?
Or FoxNews, for that matter: *(The fun part is the responses to Sam Sacks’ tweet, claiming Twitter “censored” (they even call the quotes “scare quotes”.  Who started that idiocy?) an NYPost article on Hunter Biden by not letting NYPost publish a link to it on Twitter (I’m assuming).  Oddly enough, all the tweets about that subject know about the NYPost article which was...censored? How does censorship work, again?  I mean, there are countries where information is literally illegal and you can be arrested just for mentioning it in public, where “in public” includes on the internet.  Which one of these things is censorship, si vous plait

The closest we get to that in America is child porn, possession of which can lead to your arrest.  Short of that, though....?  So we have “censorship” in America; but I don’t know of anyone who calls that criminal statute “censorship.”  It’s like it isn’t the quotations marks that make it scary; it’s that the word itself is a shibboleth.)

1 comment:

  1. Glenn Greenwald is someone I'd like to have the media do a real investigation on, let's see how much he'd want that story "censored."
    Some, these days a very small part of "the media" is of vital importance to egalitarian democracy and the general welfare of We The People, but it's no one that has an association with Greenwald or with easily the large majority of "the media" "the free press" who, in contradiction to the sloppy non-specificity of the "shall make no law" language of the first amendment shouldn't even be considered as the same thing as reporting of facts and hard analysis that is to serve egalitarian democracy through that reporting and education of voters. Greenwald is no journalist, I suspect a real expose of him would prove he's literally a paid shill of billionaires, millionaires and gangsters.
