Saturday, May 18, 2024

2 Observations

First off, he agreed, "Intimidation is first and foremost on the minds of Trump's call for these people to show up. The other aspect, though, is they're showing up because nobody else is. Donald Trump expected Americans to rush to his side and show up and be in the park and rally for him, and nobody is. Nobody is there for Donald Trump except the people with a direct political benefit from him. Elected officials." 
Finally, he said, "I would be fascinated how it works with the jury. Because yes, intimidation might be the intent, but you're telling me that if I'm a juror and I see Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert and Mike Johnson and Rick Scott come in the room, that somehow I'm going to think more favorably about Donald Trump? It's comical. This is an absurd cast of circus clowns showing up to defend the president, and I think it very well might backfire. It highlights that nobody else has his back at times, not even his own family, and suggests that the only people who do have his back are the most political crazies on the scene today."
Support for Trump is tissue thin. Don’t tell me about the money he raises from his trial. A fool and his money are soon parted, and nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Trump is a living exemplar of the truth of both statements.

But Trump is burning through the cash he raises, and there’s no sign he’s going to catch up soon.

Trump also thinks his rallies prove America loves him. But the same people travel from venue to venue to hear the same bedtime stories. Standing on the street in Manhattan is not listening to Trump for 90 minutes. Besides, who wants to stand in a park in NYC for four weeks?

Maybe all his rally goers will vote for him. All 3 to 4 hundred of them. Along with all the boaters in the boat parades. Oh, wait, that was 4 years ago…

And then there’s the circus clowns silently filling up the courtroom. Do all the jurors know who they are? Doubtful? Do they care? Equally doubtful. Are they impressed, in awe, intimidated?

Don’t make me laugh. A gang of strangers who go outside (where the jury can’t hear them) to spout Trump’s talking points? Who show up and leave after 45 minutes?

This is all a farce.

1 comment:

  1. the same people travel from venue to venue
    The really dead heads. Or soulless.
