Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump And The Briar Patch

It’s the sub-headline that catches my eye. The idea Trump’s campaign doesn’t want Biden to drop out is laughable.

If Biden simply withdraws (there were Very Serious People who argued Biden should resign now, and turn things over to Harris), chaos would ensue. Harris has to win the vote of an open convention, the last of which for the Democrats was… in Chicago in 1968. And if she doesn’t? Endless fights over ballot access (many filled by Republicans); $240 million in campaign accounts up the spout; a candidate to be named later following their selection (and shades of 1972 and Thomas Eagleton stepping aside for Sargent Shriver (both of whom deserved better). BTW, the descendants of those who forced McGovern’s hand then, would force Biden’s now. Hard to persuade the people you are fit for the executive if you bend to such influencers.). These kinds of dramatics have served the party so well in the past.

And Trump doesn’t want to be thrown into that briar patch? Of course he doesn’t, right, The Atlantic? I mean, how would it benefit him?

I can’t imagine.

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