Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Vance Was No Jack Kennedy

So I went to bed last night with pundits saying Vance “won” the debate because Walz was “too nice” and didn’t defend Harris enough.

Yeah, that’s what happened.
“You had J.D. Vance, you had the elitist, the guy who went to an Ivy League school and smoothly, knew to answer the questions smoothly, and knew how to work the format," Scarborough said. "I think most people would say he did much better last night stylistically. You never know how things will come across. When I saw the CNN poll that came out last night, it showed that 'Midwestern nice' really worked for Walz. Tim Walz's favorability jumped up 15 points, has a 59 percent favorability rating after the debate, a 22 percent favorability before the debate. I don't care where are you, you have to look at the numbers."
Which doesn’t mean Vance didn’t help himself:
He showed a side he has not shown before and that is he tried to be more likable, he tried to be more agreeable," Scarborough said. "The people who knew him before he decided to be a Trumper said he was a nice guy, a charming guy, and he tried to show more of that last night because it's almost as if he got a sense that this election may end and he doesn't want to completely tie himself to Donald Trump. He's 40 years old, he has a future. While Trump likes going to war nonstop against everybody, you got to say J.D. Vance decided, 'You know what? I'm going to try to salvage my political career, even if Donald Trump goes up in flames.'"
But he was no Lloyd Bentsen.

Sen. Bentsen skewered Dan Quayle in the VP debate. “I knew Jack Kennedy,” he solemnly and augustly told Quayle. “And you, sir, are no Jack Kennedy.” It was a line that haunted Quayle the rest of his public life. No one ever let him forget it.

But Lloyd Bentsen was never the Vice President of the United States.

(And reiterating what I said last night, pundits are clearly repeating Trump’s talking points, that voters are worried about immigration and inflation (which Vance hammered last night). But actual voters watching the debate were focused on abortion rights and threats to democracy. Pundits want a horse race. Voters want their republic back.  Vance could be JFK redux, complete with Camelot and Barbie Jackie on his arm.  He’s still not the top of the ticket.)

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