Friday, May 17, 2019

"These things that pass for knowledge...."

Chris Hayes opines:

“It has been a month since the Mueller report came out and the full weight of what is inside it still has not sunk in. That is partly due to a very successful spin effort by the president, his allies and his loyal hand-picked Attorney general,” he explained.

“You can tell the White House has some sense of just how damaging the content of that report is for them, because now they want everyone to just stop paying any attention to it whatsoever,” he noted. “Today we learned the White House’s ridiculous claim of executive privilege is stalling negotiations from Robert Mueller himself to testify before Congress.”

“But here’s the thing, whether or not Mueller does testify, there is a good argument that there is more than enough incriminating, damning information available right now for the Democrats to move forward with impeachment proceedings against the president,” Hayes argued. “They don’t need Mueller to testify and they don’t need the unredacted Mueller report.”

“Volume Two covers a dozen instances of possible obstruction by the president,” he noted. “It’s not just that, all the ‘no collusion’ talk from the Trump White House obscures the fact the way they acted vis-à-vis the Russian interference was completely morally and ethically indefensible.”

“They outright encouraged a foreign adversary to help them — publicly and privately. They sought — actively — illicit means of help through back channels and that foreign adversary understood them and went ahead and helped them. That’s not right and it’s not okay and all of that information is in the publicly available Mueller report,” he explained.

“The president of the United States has very clearly violated his oath of office. The question is, what do you do with those facts?” Hayes wondered.

So the hearings would just be reading Volume 2 of the report into the record?  Something the House has been doing this week anyway?  And that would constitute evidence against Trump sufficient to convince the country he should be removed from office, and then the masses, with pitchforks and torches, storm the castle of the Senate and demand a conviction?  Because the news would carry this riveting television, and the nation would be transfixed, hearing the words of the report droned out by Representatives from most of the 50 states?

And that hasn't happened now, despite the House reading the report into the record:  why?  (Three guesses, first two don't count.)

And if the House uses just the report they have to impeach Trump and the Senate says:  "Nah, we don't think so," which you know they will do; what then?  What if McConnell even Merrick Garlands the whole procedure, refusing to take it up before November, 2020?  What then?  The Court won't intervene (separation of powers).  Would McConnell pay a price in Kentucky for loyalty to Trump?  Would it "own the libs"?  Would it mean anything to make Donald Trump the third U.S. President in history to be impeached?

It didn't do anything to Clinton.....

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