Thursday, August 01, 2019

I gotta ask....

"Normal" for Newt Gingrich (who upset this particular apple cart that still hasn't been righted).  Normal for Mitch McConnell, who is still hell-bent on blocking whatever Dems want to do (he'll use the filibuster in the minority, if he can't just shut down the Senate as Majority Leader).  Normal for FoxNews? Normal for Will Hurd, the one member of the GOP in office I can identify as rational?

Pilate asked "What is truth?"  The question now is:  "What is normal?"

Millenials are actually coming along demanding a new normal.  No, they don't outweigh the Boomers still voting for "normal" as they see it.  But what if they won't go along with "be outraged by Trump and turnout against him!"  We counted on that in 2016.  Everybody did, which is why so many people didn't vote (especially people who figured it couldn't really get worse.  How'd that work out for you, "African American community?"  Asking for a friend....).  If you offer Millenials the "normal" of Joe Biden (he may be Obama's Grandpa, but is he America's favorite great Uncle?), will they go for it, or just go back to what they were doing?

What "normal" will we return them to?  The "normal" of McConnell again vowing to make the Democratic candidate a one-term president?  The "normal" of FoxNews decrying anything not approved by the KKK as "socialism!"?  The normal of "We can't do anything but tread water, because 'progress' would mean moving off dead center, and that's too risky!"?

McGovern didn't fail in '72 because he was too liberal, but because he was a terrible candidate.  Anybody else remember how the phrase "I'm behind him 1000%" became infamous?  Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, Hillary:  all terrible candidates.  When the Democratic voters demand a candidate who can win, do they mean on ideology and platform?  Or do they simply mean on the hustings?  Because honestly, if you can't do the latter, nobody really cares about the former.

Just ask Adlai Stevenson.*

*Ask your grandpa!  Snot-nosed punks!  Get offa mah lawn!

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