wrt stripping appropriated funding, Musk is reneging on contracts. Without contracts you have no capitalism.
This order, from Amir Ali, really gets to the core of what is happening: The government is, wholesale, canceling existing contracts.
No Republican should endorse this.
Neither should they try to pretend something else is happening.
https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.277336/gov.uscourts.dcd.277336.21.0_7.pdfActually the suits are based on breach of contract . What’s clear is that neither Musk nor Trump give a wet snap for the sanctity of contracts.
And they don’t understand how fundamental contracts are; and not just to capitalism. The covenant between God and Israel (and by extension, in Judaism and Christianity, with all of humanity) can be likened to a contract. The non-religious idea of social order (one not founded on humanity’s relationship with God) is, metaphorically, a “social contract.” The concept of contract, of a reliance on agreement the other party is likewise bound to, is fundamental to business and social relationships.
And there’s the root of the problem with having Trump and Musk in power; or in government at all.
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