Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Vox Populi, Vox Dei

We live in a democratic republic, you twat. The Congress is the representative of the people. The President is the chief executive. His will is not the law, his word is not the vox populi. Just as Trump is not the vox lexi, you are not the Supreme Court. What is law is ultimately the decision of the courts, and only in the case before them at the time. The bedrock rule always applies: “Change the facts, change the outcome.” That’s why courts have to have evidence in order to rule on a claim brought to them. Evidence Trump has consistently been unable to provide.

And what is constitutional is subject to the same rule. An illegal search and seizure is a violation of the fourth amendment; but every search presents a new set of facts which can change the outcome of the constitutional analysis. That’s why, in the end, the decision is up to nine people; never to one. 

And neither of you have been appointed to that court. Indeed, the fact you think you are above both Congress and the courts means you are wholly unfit to work for government at all. Especially since you don’t understand that what you don’t like is not therefore a criminal act. Nor is an unconstitutional act EVER a crime.

You really don’t understand anything about government, do you?
Elmo is as much of a liar as Trump. And, of course, he’s as irresponsible as Trump. "Move fast and break things.” That’s what little boys do, isn’t it? Curricula is the province of the states, not the purview of the Administration. But, since Hannity brought up science: Please, someone, get Trump to explain fertilization, Because I’d bet good money he doesn’t even know what IVF refers to, much less what it is. And, in closing:
SCOOP: Trump administration has been evaluating the costs of destroying or disposing of tens of millions of coronavirus tests that would otherwise be provided free to Americans. My story w/ Carolyn Y. Johnson. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2025/02/18/trump-administration-covid-tests-stockpile/
Remember during Covid when Trump said if people would stop being tested for it, they’d stop getting it?

He meant it.

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