Friday, August 09, 2019

Is it possible to have flashbacks

If you never used LSD?

Serious question.  I grew up among people like this (few and far between but still, how many does it take?).  I guess I'd buried the memory, but this is as familiar as family gatherings at Thanksgiving or an aluminum tree surrounded by packages and toys on Xmas morning (the tree was given away long before I had a chance to grab it and save it.  Still scarred by that.)  Pretty sure I'm scarred by this, too.

Because I laughed and laughed and laughed when I saw this.  What else do you do with childhood trauma?

1 comment:

  1. There have always been a percentage of people who were post-truth, now, encouraged by pop culture and the stupiding of America, that percentage has reached a dangerously effective proportion of the population.

    I know what she was selling, I'm amazed how people buy it. This is the civet shit coffee of the mind.
