Friday, August 30, 2019

Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma!

I remember this Fantastic Four cartoon from my youth, where in the end our heroes once again defeated Doctor Doom and sent him fleeing back to Latveria, the fictional eastern European country he ran as a dictator.  As Doom fled one of the Four (Ben Grimm?  Johnny Storm?) asked the leader, Reed Richards, why they let him escape to pester them another day.  Richards responded that "trying to take over the world" was not a crime, so Doom couldn't be held on any criminal charges.

It was a comic book explanation, but the basic idea was sound:  go big or go home.  Besides, Doom was the head of a foreign government.  That was often the other excuse for his many crimes; he couldn't be extradited.  He couldn't even be tried like an ordinary criminal.

And now we have a comic book villain in the White House.  And where is the "great security" that will fix this for us?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the article.
    I appreciated the writing and the information you've given here.
    Thank you again.

    Muntasir Mahdi
