Saturday, August 31, 2019

Still as worthless as...

...well, you know.

The shooter is dead, the crime is over. Like El Paso, you will make appropriate noises and then hear from the NRA and forget all about it again.

Five people are dead, and all you can say is the FBI will look into it. Look into what? That he was clearly "insane" so he shouldn't have had a gun, but we only know that because he went on a random shooting spree? How about you fly to Odessa and tell every victim, or the families of the dead, that the gun didn't pull the trigger? Or save the taxpayers the cost, and just say how much everyone in the hospital WOULD have loved you.

The youngest victim was 17-months old. Only a sociopath could hold your office and not feel some responsibility, some remorse, over that.

You are worthless. Better you should follow up with silence than you should speak on this ever again.

(Oh, I get it! "More to follow" means still more shootings will happen. Or more of the same to come. I didn't expect you to be that honest. But you only were accidentally. Just like your an accidental President. Well, that makes sense, at least.)

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