Wednesday, August 07, 2019

O"Rourke Ascending?

He is suddenly less concerned with being an agreeable politician and more concerned with grieving with his city. And solely in terms of politics, this is a sea change:
I mean, who had heard of El Paso before this, or knew anything about its history?  And who is listening now?  Joe Biden, for one, and he smells blood in the water:
Trump still thinks everything is about him:
But what he has unleashed may change us all.
Follow that thread, especially. This is not just about horse race politics, this is about the polis: about who we are and who we pick as our leaders. "Phony name to indicate hispanic heritage"?  Like "El Paso"?  Down here, that hispanic heritage is real.  That man needs to go back where he came from.

This is a test. Who are we going to be?

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