Monday, August 05, 2019

Trigger of the Mind

“Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger—not the gun,” Trump said.

That trigger is not even on a gun.  It's in the mind!  It's in a video game!  It's the trigger of mental illness!  It's a conceptual trigger which we must virtually take out of the hands of mentally ill people who we can only identify as mentally ill after their mental illness has manifested itself by pulling a real trigger on a real gun!  Only then do we know they shouldn't have had a gun and when will Congress do something about that, huh?  I'll tell you when!  Immigration reform, that's when!

It's notable the shooter in El Paso didn't simply drive a few hours down I-35 to San Antonio, a much larger city dominated by Hispanics.  (And speaking of Hispanic invasion in Texas!  El Paso!  San Antonio!  Del Rio!  Amarillo!  Mexia!  Guadalupe River!  We're overrun with Hispanic influence!  AAAGGGHHH!  Get it off, get it off!  The "invasion" has been going on since before the state was founded!  Oh noesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!).  San Antonio is 275 miles away from Dallas/Fort Worth, much closer than the 600 miles he drove to El Paso.  He went as far west from Dallas as he could, and still be in Texas.  Why?  Because El Paso is a border town.  Because Trump held a rally there recently (and still owes the city almost $500,000).  Because the "border is in crisis!"  Because we are subject to an "invasion."  Mostly because he wanted to rid Texas of the Hispanic influence.

He'll have to start with the national dish of Texas:  chili.  And then get rid of barbecue (the word comes from Spanish).  Lariats and rodeos have to, too; as do cowboys, who were originally gauchos.

But he didn't want to do this.  He wanted to go to a border town, and shoot brown people.  Whatever could have inspired that idea?

Oh, yeah.  Damned fake news.
Damned fake news!  Reporting on the President's only means of communicating directly with the people in order to fan the flames of racism and intolerance!  How dare they not realize the responsibility lies with them!  Mick Mulvaney on MTP Sunday was right:  clearly we can't hold the President accountable for what the President says over and over and over and over again.  That's just not fair!

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