Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Getting In The Way Of the Man Hitting Himself in the Face

The argument here is Dems are not spending money on anti-Trump ads.  Well, wait, here's the argument:
In other words, The News.  Except this needs to be in anti-Trump ads, and these ads need to run because:
Which is true, because I am now officially an "old person."  I watch TV.  I vote.

I don't need a political ad, or a weatherman, to know which way the wind blows.  And while I agree with this sentiment arguendo:
In concreto, that's the nature of news narratives, and no number of ads is going to keep that from being a headline for, oh, a minute or so.  Maybe old people still obsessively watch cable news (I don't have cable; I quit wasting money on it) or FoxNews (but even FoxNews has turned on Trump, viz:
And if they're watching FoxNews, they're seeing stories like this:

“Other video from inside the abandoned U.S. base in Manbij, Syria, taped by Russian reporter traveling with Russian-backed forces shows how quickly U.S. troops abandoned the base,” Griffin continued. “In fact, Russian mercenaries appear to be using the videos as propaganda to show the American retreat. The significance of that American base now effectively under Russian control.”
over a chyron that reads:  "TRUMP: WANT TO BRING OUR TROOPS HOME."  You don't need a political ad to explain that one to you.

But the prevailing news narrative is the unwinding disaster in Syria, where this is happening nearby:
That news narrative is going to be around a lot longer than what Beto said about Hunter, or how Elizabeth Warren hinted at mocking "deplorables" (Heard that one on NPR this morning; I'm frankly more concerned with Democrats afraid Biden is damaged goods, which is giving Trump the win he can't get otherwise.)  And Trump is giving away the American store and shouting to himself about what a genius he is.  That is not the road to re-election, and it may even be some Democrats mention that tonight (if anybody's listening.  Is anybody watching these debates anymore?)

I dunno, but not getting in the way of the guy who's beating himself in the face, especially when without any Democratic ads, this is happening (go read the graph; lines cross over from not enough support toward 50%+ support exactly two weeks ago today.  How many ads have the Dems run in that time?

Wilson supports his argument this way:

Except in this case Trump keeps supplying the gasoline.  It's the purity of the situation, that's so unprecedented; and so compelling.  Messing with that purity is giving Trump a fire extinguisher; you don't want to do that just now.

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