Friday, October 04, 2019

Not Ready For Prime Time

1)  Turnabout is fair play.

2)  "They" are corrupt, not me!

3)  The proof of no. 2 is that "they" investigated me.

4)  The "Deep State" is international.

5)  Only corrupt people investigate the innocent; except for me.  Somehow.

I dunno; at some point if you work too hard to make sense of what Trump says, even from Trump's point of view, you find yourself arguing with yourself.  The most interesting part of this is not that the POTUS is admitting to crimes in public, and then engaging in further criminal activity in public, and generally behaving before the cameras as wholly unfit for the office of POTUS, but that nobody can bring themselves to say:  "MY GOD, HE'S FRUITY AS A NUTCAKE!"

Because, come on, he is.  Just because he's the office holder doesn't mean his words somehow make sense.  They simply don't.   I mean, come on!

“I got a call the other night from pastors, the biggest pastors, evangelical Christians,” the president said. “They said, ‘We have never seen our religion or any religion so electrified.’ They see they’ve never seen anything like it!”
Does anybody seriously think we're seeing the third Great Awakening?  A man who talks like that shouldn't be allowed anything sharper than a rubber ball, much less access to the nuclear codes, the DOJ, and the IRS. 

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