Tuesday, February 15, 2022

In Re: Palin v NYT

"Banksy"? Dada? Another argument for overturning Sullivan. Sorry. I buried the lede. I dunno. I think libel suits are mostly a fight among elephants. 🐘  Is Palin going to sue The Onion? Or me, for posting that tweet? The NYT can take it. Their name’s already on the landmark case that just protected them. This isn’t a good case for overturning Sullivan (not at law, anyway). It’s not any better as an argument for anti-SLAPP suits.

And, serious question: what “base” was Palin riling? Was she fundraising off of this? Grifters gonna grift, fools and their money are soon parted. Simplest and most direct way to end that is to let it run its course. Like the truckers in Canada who thought they were starting a revolution until the cops finally showed up and told ‘em to drive off or get outta the cab. I think most of their money got grifted, too.

So it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping she'd win and Hillary Clinton could sue everyone who libeled and slandered her and become the richest woman in the universe as a means of defunding the right. She probably has grounds for suing Palin.
