Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Reminder MSM Pretty Much Parrot What Public Officials Say

Here’s the moment in question: One reasonable explanation is the teleprompter went down (different city, same problem). But the campaign explanation brushes that away. I’m not a trained observer: is this what a psychological condition looks like? I know it only from movies, which are all fake and false and imaginary.

Still, he just stops and seems disgusted (with the teleprompter?) or unsure what to say, or just in stasis. One thing is sure: “dramatic affect” it ain’t. No more than arriving over 2 hours late “heightens the anticipation.”

And if it happened to Biden, the GOP Fox 🦊 would be crying about it so loudly the MSM would follow like baying hounds.

But even Biden-Harris just call it a “glitch.” Here’s a hint: people are not computers. They don’t run on glitchy software.

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