Friday, June 18, 2021

Still Wondering

If Abbott calls a special session before September (when the new budget he just vetoed takes effect), what if the Dems pass a budget bill first, or try to, or insist it pass first before the election law or anything else? Does Abbott veto again? And then what?

Or if this isn’t resolved by September, does the staff and the Legislative Budget Board and Legislative Reference Library return to work?  Probably not, without pay.  Then how does Abbott get the Lege to redistrict in September or October, without so much as somebody to vacuum the chambers every night?

I still say he hasn’t thought this through.  Then again, he’s got to hope nobody notices he never so much as puts a surveyor’s rod in the ground on the border to “build the wall.”  Because he simply won’t.

You know, no one of thos worked for Trump (including government shutdowns).  Why do they think it will work in Texas?

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