Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Without Feathers

Less than 7 days ago Abbott declared all the state's electricity problems solved. So today, as ERCOT tells us to turn the A/C off, Abbott's got his story and he's stickin' to it. The “smart” political analysis is that this is a good strategy. Yeah, until the lights go out. We haven’t forgotten February that quickly.
Again, our representatives are worried about what’s most important to us.

The real business of Texas government is business. Every politician in Texas knows that. When Abbott banned all mask mandates he announced Texas was “open for business.” The footnote to that was “Just don’t turn the lights on.” He didn’t mention that. Now, again, he doesn’t have to.

This is not the reputation we want for our state. Or the state of affairs we want to put up with.

Hostility toward the federal government comes with a high cost. I used to wonder if it's a hold-over from the Civil War period or just the Civil Rights period. Though there's plenty of it in the north, too. New Hampshire used to be absolutely full of it, especially back when they elected people like Mel Thomson to run the place. Maine under LePage was like that though Republican-fascists here couldn't afford to try anything as ambitious as they did in Texas. What a frickin' mess. I hope it at least leads people to learn something, it doesn't generally. I don't know if LePage is still talking about running again.
Yeah; as Emily Dickinson wrote, "Hope is the thing with feathers." We're all feeling pretty well plucked by now.

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