Friday, August 20, 2021

Didn't See That Coming

I guess this is because people were mean to DeSantis at a press conference? Really not the "crazy" part: And in another three or four months, we'll catch up to that news (I know of a number of people who still think covid "doesn't affect kids").


  1. At our local school board meeting last night, the most common statement was COVID-19 doesn't effect kids. Speakers did say that wearing masks and being deprived of oxygen would turn our children into sociopaths. If we just stopped testing then pandemic would be over. We should be happy that our children get COVID-19 because then they will have natural immunity, this all a plotmof big drug companies, the press and our government are lying to us, Trump will be reelected president, and more. We were also subject to several readings of the Constitution. Anti maskers often refused to stop speaking even when their time expired. Speakers in favor of masks and other protective measures were shouted down. People started yelling at the board during the meeting several times, and overall it was a shit show. All this in one of the wealthier communities, speakers often identified themselves as engineers, having masters or doctoral degrees, before wandering off into conspiracy theories. After 4 hours of watching this on zoom, I gave up when the board voted to recommend weakening the recommendations of the committee tasked with set protocols, so that in most circumstances masks would only be optional even for children too young to be vaccinated. The only saving grace was our local school is formed of two towns. Each has a school board for their lower grade schools, there is a another board for our high school, and last night was the umbrella school board of all of them (made up of all the members of the three boards). Our town board, which includes the middle school where our son will go, voted four to one against weakening the protocols where as the other two boards did. The result is instead of one policy for all the schools, there will be separate policies by school. Monday our town board meets again to vote on our schools. I plan to attend and speak if possible. Kids do get sick, our son spent six days in a children's hospital with the pediatric inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19. He is now fully vaccinated (not available when he became I'll in the spring of 2020). We don't want any other parents to go through what we did, wearing masks is a simple and helpful way to avoid this. The CDC and the American Pediatric Association are advocating masks for all children in indoor settings. I expect to be shouted down. I won't shout, but I will try to speak. There need to be voices of sanity to try to balance against this madness.

    1. Ain’t participatory democracy grand? And inspiring?

      It’s like living in a Norman Rockwell painting. From hell.

      I think a year in lockdown broke something in us. The calamity of Katrina didn’t turn New Orleans into a lawless hell’s ape, Harvey didn’t push Houston into Thunderdome. But those events didn’t last that long. 12 months seems to be our breaking point. That and we’ve lost the concept of public health, which is why we’re in the shit now.

      I guess. I dunno. I just dunno.
