Thursday, August 26, 2021

News You Can Use! Twitter Edition

I'm not much interested in polls like this because: how do you ever prove their veracity?  That said, the framing raises an interesting question:  America:  Imperialist power, or not?

Because how many countries are we supposed to subjugate for fear of terrorism being visited upon our shores?  Maybe we should subjugate some states to suppress domestic terrorism?

Meanwhile, in Afghanistan:  chaos.
(The NYT sets the number higher: So apparently it's a moving target.)

Biden is going to be punished for this for years to come.  Or the commentators will be; oh, wait, I forgot:  they write the commentary: I think the historical record reflects that Ghani fled the country BEFORE mass evacuations could get underway.

From the chronicles of "America Descending into prolonged national adolescence:  'You're Not The Boss of Me!' chapter:
And on the "rational economic being" front: And Regeneron is only FDA approved for experimental use; which is supposedly what was wrong with the vaccine all along.

I have to say, I do support this idea:
We all must do our part for the greater good!


  1. Oh, you're kidding. From horses' asses to anti-scooting meds?

    I wonder, do they still talk about the internet as an intellectual opportunity on NPR? It turns out to be making people stupider than the sales pitch that Rubiks cube was going to make its fan base super-mathematicians. People used to be stupid but I can't believe they were this stupid in such numbers.
