Monday, August 23, 2021

Fool On The Hill

 I find myself again reading posts on "NextDoor" from people who claim they know a friend of a friend of a friend (I'm waiting for the 'big strong men, with tears in their eyes" stories) who was vaccinated but got Covid anyway, PROVING VACCINES DON'T WORK!!!!!!!!*

Uh-huh. And as much as the idiots on "NextDoor" proclaim vaccines don't work and masks make you sick (CO2, you see....) or don't block viruses (viruses are not winged creatures flying forth from your talking hole; they are carried on the moisture of your exhalation. The mask blocks the transmission of that moisture. Science is hard!), even I can see there, that this is true: And comforting.

I have to add that all my life I've fought, quietly and passively, against idiots.  Idiots who didn't want me to think, idiots who didn't want to learn to think, idiots who wanted to hate people because they were told to do so, idiots who want to destroy because creation and stewardship require more of them than selfishness and self-concern do; and I gave up actively fighting the idiots (in my mind) and realized I just had to live with them.

But now I fear the idiots are going to win.  I felt this way during the height of Covid alpha; that some idiot was going to infect me and I would die before my time.  I got through that, thought the risk was behind me with the vaccine and especially the successful distribution of the vaccine; but the idiots are winning again. And now I fear again that the idiots are going to win, and are going to take me with them.  I can hide, as I did before; wear a mask, avoid crowds, mostly spend my time at home alone with the Lovely Wife.  But once again I feel like I'm dodging bullets, and you can only do that for so long.

Then again it's not a majority of the country that is ill, or even dead.  It is too many people for our systems, it is too much for us to comprehend, it is even too much for some of us to stand (so we deny reality, deny the truth, seek comfort and solace in lies).  But it isn't a pandemic movie, where the extras by the thousands drop like flies within the field of the camera view.


*The latest claim is that 12,000 people have died as a direct result of the covid vaccine.  You can't make this stuff up.  Er, rather, I can't; obviously somebody can.

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