Tuesday, March 15, 2022

“An Army Travels On Its Stomach.”—Napoleon, Supposedly

Military equipment is not sitting in the Russian-Chinese border waiting to be delivered. Even if China starting filling out Putin’s shopping list yesterday, it would take weeks to deliver anything to Ukraine. Not that Russia has solved its transport or maintenance problems.

But food? Food is easy to ship right now.  And if Russia needs MRE’s, they’re not going to win this soon. Especially if the food supply from China stops.

There’s also the question of whether Russia is worried about future, or present, capacity. Russian logistics are that bad; and the Ukrainians know it.


  1. Wow, the oligarchic corruption seems to have vapirized the military, I have a feeling that Putin and his fellow crime family members had no clue as to why that might be a bad idea. I have no doubt that the Chinese government would work with Putin if they figured it was in their best interest, which means they'll try to play both sides to see if they can get something huge for what they decide. Opportunity and all that.

    I won't express any hopes about this because I am superstitious but if Putin doesn't succeed, he's pretty much guaranteed the Ukraine is never going to be allied to Russia ever again. Two genocidal attempts within a century, the grinding oppression of the Soviet years isn't how you win friends and influence people. The Patriarch of Moscow has certainly disgraced himself and his church with it. Even Churches outside of Russia that were under him seem to want to cut the ties between them now. I can't see them going back.

  2. North Korea has annexed Russia without firing a shot. Impressive.
