Saturday, February 24, 2024

What A Drag It Is Growing Old 👴🏻

In the clip filmed in Myrtle Beach, the unidentified woman was asked, "Do you believe the 2020 election results were illegitimate?" 
Walking toward her interviewer she asked, "No. Are you kidding me? All of the illegal, okay, absentee votes. All the illegal votes that were allowed. And all of the illegal votes that showed up later? That were for Donald Trump that were not counted!" 
"It is a lie," she continued as her companion walked away from her. "Donald Trump is our president." 
Returning to her later, she was asked, "In 2024, do you think there is any way Joe Biden could legitimately, fair and square win the election time around?" 
"Are you joking?" she replied before laughing. "Only if the illegal election happens again." 
Returning to the studio, host Witt stated, "It never ceases to amaze me the falsehoods that have taken root despite all the proof to the contrary. It is pretty extraordinary."
It would amaze me, if it weren’t as American as cherry pie.

I remember this book from when I worked in a bookstore in high school. I have a copy now because my brother left it to me. He was as big a fan of LBJ as I am; the book was for laughs, not conspiracy theories.

Books like this were circulating before the internet. According to Amazon it was published in 1964, before LBJ had a chance to prove his liberal credentials (except for Vietnam, LBJ was far more liberal than JFK). It’s the written source of most of the electoral conspiracy theories surrounding Lyndon. I was surprised to find it available on Amazon, to be honest. It never ceases to amaze me, the falsehoods that persist.

What’s that old line about truth still getting its boots on, while a lie is halfway around the world? Election deniers weren’t invented by Trump, but with cable TV and the need to broadcast news 24/7, and the internet, we now all hear them all the time. Frankly, it was just a matter of time until someone like Trump came along. Southern governors declared the federal government invalid and not superior to states rights from the mid-‘50’s to the mid-‘80’s (about the time it reached Boston, IIRC; or when Reagan took office, announcing his run in Philadelphia, MS (not PA), and ranting about “welfare queens.” He declared the federal government invalid, too.). This isn’t new. 

Whatever the source, the conviction that “they” are cheating “us” is one reason voter turnout in this country is historically low. We think other countries (hem hem Russia hem hem), are awash in conspiracy theories, while we are enlightened and walk in the pure light of democracy!

Balderdash. We see the speck in their eye, and not the log in ours.

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